I didn't know how else to post this but the recall is getting bigger and I thought this was the best way to remind people.

Pet Food Recall Expands

  • May 8, 2012
  • 11:36 pm
19  commentsPet Food Recall Expands

A growing number of pet food companies have been recalling products  manufactured by Diamond Pet Foods at its facility in Gaston, S.C., over concerns  about Salmonella contamination.

Diamond Pet Foods recalled a three of its brands in April, including Diamond  Naturals Lamb Meal and Rice dry dog food, Diamond Puppy Formula and Chicken Soup  for the Pet Lover’s Soul, after Salmonella Infantis was found at its  plant, which is believed to have been the cause of 14 cases of Salmonella poisoning in nine states in people who handled the  contaminated pet food or were in contact with dogs, according to the CDC.

Pets who have been affected can show the same symptoms as humans, including  loss of appetite, fever, lethargy, diarrhea, bloody diarrhea and vomiting. Pets  who have been exposed to Salmonella may also show no symptoms, but  continue to spread bacteria. The CDC offers a helpful list of tips for pet owners who suspect their pets may be  affected, and another list to help people avoid contamination from dry pet  food and treats.

Brands that are being recalled include:



Natural  Balance

Chicken  Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul

Taste of the Wild


Country  Value

Diamond, Diamond Naturals, Premium Edge, Professional and  4health


Kaytee Forti-Diet for mice, rats and hamsters

Solid Gold Health Products for Pets

Batches that are affected were manufactured between December 9, 2011 and  April 7, 2012, but do not include canned food or treats.

According to Diamond Pet Foods, to find out if your pet food is affected  check the production code. If the code on your pet food “has a “2″ or “3″ in the  9th position AND an “X” in the 10th or 11th position and your best-before date  is between December 9, 2012 and April 7, 2013, your product is  affected by the recall. If the product you have does not include a “2″ or “3″ in  the 9th position AND an “X” in the 10th or 11th position and your best-before  date is not between December 9, 2012 and April 7, 2013, your product is not  affected” (example graphic).

If you have questions or want more information about recalled dog food you  can contact Diamond Pet Foods at 866-918-8756 or visit diamondpetrecall.com. You can also make a consumer complaint to the FDA if you or your pet has been  affected

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/pet-food-recall-expands.html#ixzz1uNJPLqml

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I am so glad you posted this. We were just about to switch to Taste of the Wild!!

Kaitlyn, remember its area dependent. Taste of the Wild has a few other plants. Here in California our Taste of the Wild isn't affected since they don't use the Diamond plant here.

I copied this and sent it to my friends with pets.  One friend feeds Kirkland and had gotten a phone call from Costco. That was encouraging to hear. 

Great idea to pass it on...I never thought of it...except for on here...Thanks, Anne!

I just contacted my vet as that's where I get my Canidea and TOTW. She said they had gotten a phone call from the distributor(I think that's who) and that it does not affect their food at the vet. I had already checked the #'s on my bag but wanted to make sure they knew.

Noodles doesn't have any of the symptoms, so I'm guessing he is okay. We purchased more dry food probably about the beginning of the year and we have a large container we put his food in, so the bag is gone that same day. It makes me nervous with the recall, but since Noodles has such a sensitive tummy, my thought is if his food was part of the recall, we would have seen a reaction in him by now. I'm keeping a close eye on him though. We may end up going out and just playing it safe and buying a new bag...we don't want to take any chances of our baby getting sick.

only Eastern US and Canada are affected at this time.

We tried switching to Kirkland a few months ago ( didnt do well with Pilot) thank goodness we stuck with our normal brand, and thanks for posting! I know people who feed though brands!

I was just about to switch to Kirkland! Now I will wait this out and stick to my Science Diet for now...


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