I'm trying to put together a 'road kit' for the dogs and am going down the list of things I need to include. I'm planning on some type of insulated bag (cooler or diaper bag maybe), that will hold a portable water bowl, bottle of water, poop baggies, spare lead, and some treats.

What am I forgetting to include in 'must haves' for the vehicle when I take the dogs along?

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I also take along a couple of long "tie outs" - not sure if that's what they're actually called, but that way if we stop for a picnic, I can just hook them up to a tree or table and they have lots of room to explore while we eat and relax.  Not to mention they clean up the picnic area.

GREAT idea!

I put a meal in a baggie (dry kibble)...you never know, something may hold you up and you can't get home by his normal dinner time.

Flash light / head lamp .

Collapsible dish for water / food

spare collar / leash

Saline solution

Hydrogen peroxide

Benedryl (not red tabs)

Vet wrap

Swiss army knife (w tweezer)

Wet wipes

Paper Towel

Stake out

Vet / Emergency Vet contact info

Vaccination records

A few space blankets - in case you are driving in areas where it's hot and want to keep the dogs cool in the car. 

Tick remover. Tennis balls. Extra leash. More baby wipes and paper towels.

If you've read "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe," you already have a towel. :)

Since we go out hiking from the car, my doggy bag is a back pack, which converts to a fanny pack if I remove the collapsible chuck-it. Which I never do. Besides what's been mentioned, there's also some non-essentials: a pedometer, clicker, rubber gloves, my pill box, carabiner to hook the water bottle to the strap. I only need to add my keys and cell phone.

I know this post is old, but I wanted to share since we travel - spur of the moment - and long trips with our dogs.

We have a "Park Bag" for day trips - found a cute tote on sale at Target a few years ago.  It has a large front pocket that we keep poop bags and collapsible bowls in.  In the main pocket we have a ziplock bag with rabies certificates.  We also have hand sanitizer, LOL.  A water bottle for the dogs - SlurpyGo or something like that.  A frisbee, two balls, one bag of treats.

In the car we keep an extra collar and leash and a blanket that we pull out and stuff across the back seat.  For long trips we bring the "spot" blankets that we use for training/sleeping/playing for that familiar item.  We stop and play with them on road trips about every 200 - 300 miles to keep them happy :)

Wipes for your hands and their fluffer butt if they have any potty issues.  I also freeze large ice cubes and pop them into a tupperware container so their water is cold. A towel in case it rains. Their favorite blanket or toy if you cage them in the car. My Corgi's are really spoiled so we take lots of goodies.


My dogs love to go bye bye too.  I sometimes pop them into the back seat and drive around the block.  No they're not spoiled they are well-loved!



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