well i got the news that every military wife dreads hearing. my husband is deploying :( this will be his first and certainly not his last. i knew in my heart this would be the year but we just found out 2days ago that on the 5th of may he will be leaving, so this is our last weekend together :'(

the fact that they told us on such short notice is whats bothering me the most. they are suppose to give him a month to do all the paper work and prepare but since they couldnt he has to cram everything in in a week so we have no time together, i mean that friday he will be in class from 7 am to 6pm so there is no time to spend together.

im wondering how this will affect baden and dollar. they are so use to him taking them out in the morning and feeding them at night. he even puts them to bed at night and i never have. its only for 4months but still it just eats at me that my husband is not going to be here with me and i will be alone. i have friends here in AR but no family as they are in Mi. i would go home but i would have to end our lease ans i dont want to do that.

he will miss both our birthdays and our anniversary :( i know its only 4months (16weeks or 120days) but its still hard to say goodbye. i always imagined that teddy would be here for me as he always filled me with joy, dont get me wrong i love dollar and baden but teddy was my heart. with him gone and now my husband i feel truly alone here :'(

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thank you

I'm so sorry!  Your pups will be pretty resilient and will keep you busy...hopefully those 4 months will fly by!


i sure hope so. they will help a ton

I'm so sorry Rebecca.  Your puppies will be sad, and probably extra sad because you will be too.  It will go by quick, and as you said, it's only 4 months.  Many deploy for over a year.  One guy I worked with had to deploy twice, for a year and a half at the time.  One thing his wife did for his kids, was made a chain out of colored paper, and every day they would take one link off.  It gave them a visual of how much longer he was going to be gone.  We will be here to cheer you up!  Hang in there...

thank you Jennifer. i may just end up doing that to be honest lol i mean i will have 4month all to my self. i dont know what i would do if it was a year!

I really hope it is only 4 months... the military has a nasty way of saying "4 months" and then adding weeks... and more weeks... Hope for the best, brace for the worst. 

It's really awful of them to give him such short notice for deployment.  It's what I've come to expect though.  They gave my dad 5 days notice for deployment, which was hardly enough time to teach my mom how to do certain things.  Fortunately, after serving 34.9 years and having cancer and being 55 years old (yes, the military is unscrupulous with who they deploy), my dad's battalion leader pushed his retirement through super fast.  We got gypped out of all the benefits that come at retirement after 35 years of service by just a few short weeks. Baaah.

You will probably come to grow very much closer to Baden and Dollar in these upcoming months.  With Corgis, you're never truly alone--not only do you have the dogs, but you have us here at MyCorgi!  We're not as cool as "real" people but we're still here.  

im so glad that this site is here as i know u all are here for me. i dony know what i would do if i only had a 5day notice, yikes! hes gotta teach me how to pay certain bills and all that and right now the car is not running good so he gave me some peoples phone numbers in case i get stranded

Thank your husband from my an old Army brat. And your extended family is right here on mycorgi. We will be here for you.

i told him and he says thank you :)

You will have us as best as we can make you feel better during this time. :) I am pretty upset that something as huge as deployment can come with barely any notice... I mean it's already a huge sacrifice you're asking of a person; can't you at least give them a proper heads-up?

Ludi, I wish that, too.  But it's often just a matter of weeks or days.

Seriously? That is harsh. I grew up going to a Catholic school with a lot of military kids (mostly Air Force, some Navy) and it was always really heartbreaking to say Goodbye to a friend who suddenly has to pack and move because his dad or mom has been stationed somewhere else. I can't imagine what it felt like for them when their parent was just deployed out of the blue...


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