Hi all,

I suppose those of us who still frequent the site have noticed a big slow down in site traffic over the past year or so.   I miss all our old friends!

I finally discovered (a little late) the official MyCorgi Facebook page.  That gets a lot of traffic. And it is great for sharing photos, birthday wishes, puppy announcements and those sorts of things.

But for conversations about training, health, behavior and all those other things, it seems to me that the website works so much better.  It is hard, with Facebook, to archive.  Or find a conversation from 3 days ago to check the status.  Or follow up to a response to your own answer if there are lots of other responses.  

It seems to me it would benefit both the Facebook group and this website if more people surfed on over for conversations.  

Any ideas on how to increase traffic?  It seems the owner/ moderators are not very active any more on this site, and I understand completely that life changes.

But I would have to see this website die a slow death.  I have learned so much and it's been so valuable.  Can we cross-promote on the Facebook page?  Any other way to get the word out?


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In this Internet age it's not difficult for someone looking for a forum to find and sample MyCorgi.  The Internet is a great tool, but also has become the quick answer for lazy people and instant experts providing them.  Do we really want to attract more of those?  I love participating here and find this Forum a gem.  I would not do too much to promote it, but an occasional mention of its existence may be beneficial to those seeking discussions, maybe emphasizing that one needs not be a member to have full access to all the info, archives, etc..   Nice to hear you chime in Sam.

Hmmm... There's something to that. Don't you think most of the truly rampant stupid stuff appears on FB and Twaddle? I personally don't care for either platform -- too random, too time-wasting. But doesn't mean the woo-woo set wouldn't come trotting over here if their attention were drawn here. Something to think about!

I see your point Anna... I, myself, have been a Corgi parent for almost 20 years now and accidentally found this site.. Shame. If I would have known sooner, I would have been here. My point being that there are people like us out that don't know we exist at all.. like the old me :) *cheesy smile*

Love this idea! We haven't been that active on here the last year or so but I've learned SO SO SO much and miss the community on here! 

That's a nice idea. I've developed a bit of an allergy to Facebook. My bad for drifting away from MyCorgi over the past couple of months... The new business occupies 12 to 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. And believe me: I am tweeted out, Google-plussed out (is that like non-plussed???), Facebooked out, LinkedIn out, and just about every other social-mediaed out. Truly, the only reason I use any of them is to advertise my wares, except for the church's FB page, which we can't very well evade. But I would, if I wouldn't get in the doghouse for doing so...

This is a GREAT site that should not be allowed to go out with a whimper (or anything else). Maybe we simply need to publicize it more. You know, blog posts can be streamed to social media sites such as Google+ and Facebook. If that function can be made to work without our blogging platform, we might be able to get a clever Web guru to set it up that way. Plus I see share buttons for Google+, Twitter, and FB...maybe we should all try to click on those buttons every time we read a post. That might bring new corgi fanciers our way.

I like that idea. I need to start using this site again! I hope everyone is doing well :)

Hi everyone!

I am a new member as of yesterday.. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :) I would recommend that the Facebook page be used as a fan page to drive people to our main page and toward application for membership! Facebook is something I hardly check because it is more about snapshots and quick random thoughts. Perhaps we can use Facebook to also find more corgi family by encouraging something like "Take a pic of your Corgi and tag it with #MyCorgi. You could do the same for Instagram and drive traffic to this site as it is a much better resource.Also, maybe this MyCorgi site should be represented on FB and other social media as "The OFFICIAL MyCorgi" site.. since it is :)

Sorry if I threw too much out there. My background is in business consulting.. sales and marketing is one area I always evaluate first :)

That is a good idea.  I do use the Facebook site sometimes too.  I will make a point of tagging this page whenever I post there.   I will also have to start maybe posting some of our favorite threads and see if we can drive some traffic back to this site.  

Welcome Amie!  I think most of us agree with you on the declining site traffic here, I sure do.  I do not have a FB account because of several problems.  I come here to find help, give advise if I can and to learn from those with more experience than I have.  I am saddened to see posts that sit there for ages before anyone posts.  I know when I joined it wasn't like that.

My daughter does PR for a number of different types of businesses and she would say the same thing...work towards getting people here where the actual info is.  FB is the quickie way to post pics but here is the heart of MyCorgi.  I do # here when I post on Instagram.

Me too. I don't go on ANY of the social networks, Too risky. My computer has too much really important stuff to risk it to hackers and malware.

We will stay here thanx...

Here's something I missed in Beth's original post: "It seems the owner/ moderators are not very active..."

Who are these folks? How do they feel about the restiveness expressed here? And is there anything we, as "members," can do to help out?

At one time Arizona hosted an excellent group of micropublishers, people who published one, two, maybe five or six books through the new publishing free-for-all that Amazon has made possible. These were joined by the half-dozen real publishers in the state -- the networking group that resulted was possibly the best in the nation. The folks who were running it got tired...and well they should have. It was very hard work. The group's executive director, its sole employee, found other work, and its board of directors (all volunteers) asked for some relief from membership. When none was forthcoming, the group disbanded.

Do we want that to happen here? Can we avoid it by stepping forward to take various responsibilities that may be wearing on the present proprietors?

I am up for contributing!


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