Just wondering if anyone out there gets as concerned as I do(rightly or wrongly so) about the source of pet food ingredients?last year I spent a lot of time looking into this, is the source that important?

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http://dogfoodanalysis.com/ may have some of the answers you're looking for on difference meat sources and how they're processed and how that all comes together to make a nutritious product (or fails to).

Hi,Sarah C, thanks for the link, I think I used that one last year,I noticed that orijen is top of the pack, their plant is not far from my home,my concerns are where are the ingredients produced(country of origin).It appears that some companies use ingredients from countries that do not have the pesticide,environmental ,etc. controls that we have in Canada and the U.S. I am sure people remember the melamine thing a few years back. Are there some manufacturers people can recommend so that I can check them out? I like to change my dog's food once in a while and would like to find a couple of different brands.

I think it is a big concern and its the reason many people are seeking alternatives to commercial diets such as raw and/or home made diets. I don't know if there really is a way to determine where the ingredients come from short of touring the food processing facility and/or the farms/ranches where the ingredients are said to come from. Pet food isn't as strictly regulated by the FDA as human foods so companies can get away with a lot of stuff on their labels without the product actually being as claimed (i.e. natural, organic, meat sources, etc). I think its a valid concern but not sure how you would go about actually finding the REAL source. I think for now focus on products made from ingredients entirely from the US, many companies get their grains and/or meats from other countries so quality is questionable. I am very interested to read other people's answers to your questions.

Hi Melissa and Franklin,yeah I think it is a big concern too! Like I said earlier I looked into this, what I found was that no producer could really give me the assurances that I was looking for,the best I could find we're two local small batch producers,the most disappointing was blue,in an e-mail exchange with them I discovered some things that disturbed me.

Hi Kevin,

Yes, I remember the melamine and in fact I was feeding Premium Edge that is made by Diamond foods and in the same plant as their cheaper brands which people believe may still contain it. So I quit and went to TOTW and Canidae(another Diamond foods product but not made in the same plant as the cheaper foods.

I really wonder if all the different food sources are also from the US or not. Another thought is that farmed fish even in the US contains some higher mercury levels.

Now with so many food items(people and pet) having only the distributor name on them it really makes me cautious. I love food and am very picky buying much of mine organic.

2 places that I checked out were k9cuisine.com (I googled TOTW/country of origin and found it). Whole Dog Journal has a list of the best food 1-2 times a year also. It still doesn't make me believe that what we feed our dogs is the greatest but I try.

Another thing I have done is call the companies and ask questions.(TOTW and Canidae). I had some questions as to if they had switched there formulas as I was having a sick dog problem. I have to say I was impressed with both but Canidae I actually had a vet from there call me back...they both were very helpful.

It is a big concern for me. I wonder every meal time if I am doing the right thing for them. I know that if I make the meals that I can leave out some much needed ingredients.

I have to say that I am very encouraged by the replies in this discussion,I think that there are are a lot of people out there that are concerned about the foods that we all consume,our furry families included, I really wish there were more regulation as to the ingredients of pet foods,stock foods etc.hi Jane,I am not sure how the regulations in the U.S. are but here in Canada they have to state on packaging whether it is farmed or wild salmon, have you guys looked at champion pet foods? This company is based here in my home province they produce some great products,also a company called rollover, their premium dog food is what we feed at this time

Kevan-- I too am very encouraged by the replies in this section, But we do not need more regulation at least in this country. We are regulated to death. And who would regulate this...the federal government? NO NO. I would like the companies by held responsible by these of us that buy the product. If we dont like what they make then lets make something better

Hey Steve,if you let the companies regulate themselves based on consumer demand you are destined for failure. The big companies operate on profit, they do not care if your and 300 other dogs had renal failure while eating their product, 10000 other dogs will eat this product and not have renal failure,it becomes a profit / loss for them,I support some form of regulation,sorry if you don't agree, I am a Canadian....

Yes it shows. If you dont like what is in their food fix something else for them

Well the bag says Pacific Stream formula with smoked salmon. Doesn't give me much info. I will read the whole label later.


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