Well Sparty got his bandages off and the stitches will come out next week. The biopsy indicates that he did have a cancerous tumor but the surrounding tissue was cancer free. Apparently it is a very localized type of cancer so is unlikely to have spread. If we had waited too long to remove the toe it could have metastasized so I am glad it is done. I will find out more next week when we get the stitches out. Sparty still has to wear the cone and have a sock over his paw when he goes out. Boy it is really fun trying to get the sock on him...he really does not want anyone messing with his paw! So potty breaks won't be fun anymore! I am glad we have apparently dodged a bullet with the cancer because if he hadn't bumped it we may not have known about it until too late. On the other hand, I am having a little trouble dealing with his mortality...really can't imagine being without him in the future.

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I hope Sparty is feeling better!  Glad you guys caught it early.  You know, the only thing bad about dogs is they don't live as long as we do.  I still miss Dillon every day.  Not a day goes by I don't think about him.  It broke my heart, and a part of me died with him that day.  There will never be another dog like him, not ever.  We were literally soul mates.  I guess you just cherish the time you have with him, with the faith that you will be reunited again someday.

It's good to know that the cancer was caught before it metastasized.  Try not to worry too much about his mortality. We have no control over how long any of us will live, but we can control the quality of life in our days.  Enjoy everyday you have together.  Baron sends corgi hugs and prayers.

Wonderful news about Sparty!


Good news for Sparty!  I hope his recovery goes well.


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