Spontaneous accident after being housebroken since 5 months old

Okay so, Ace is 15 months old. He has been housebroken since he was 5 months. He hasn't had an accident in a year.

But today, out of the blue, he started peeing on the floor. WAT? And this was just an hour after I had taken him downstairs to go potty, and he drenched the lightpole like it was his job. He went back upstairs fully empty, and then... yeah.

Only things that have changed are that A) It's insanely warm so he has been drinking like a camel, and B) I have been giving him peas and carrots during training, and peanut butter Kongs to keep him chill at night. That's all I can think of that has truly changed in his life.

I really hope it was a one-time thing, a fluke, or whatever. Is it possible?

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Every housebroken dog is entitled to a moment of stupidity.  One day Maddie had been playing rambunctiously on a Saturday morning, and she just wandered into the living room and squatted and peed on the rug.  Both dogs and the cat eyed the spot in horror before I had a chance to clean it up.  "Oh my god, someone PEED ON THE RUG!!" was the clear expression on all three critter faces. 

I don't know what got into her.  She has on rare occasion pooped in an out-of-the-way place if no one was home and she could not hold it any longer because she ate some grass or something.  But she has a bladder of steel and I've never had her pee in the house before.  

I interrupted her with a shocked voice when she did it.  I cleaned with an enzyme cleaner, but no problems since.   I'd just clean up good and see if it happens again or if it's a fluke thing.

I'm cracking up at the mental image of three horrified animals staring at a pee spot. :-D I interrupted Ace immediately once I heard the drizzle of the stream hitting our floors. He stopped and looked quite confused. It was so strange! I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone.

if it makes you feel better, one of the dogs here had an accident this morning :(  It was totally my fault for not letting him out on time.  sigh...got the carpet and couch .... grrrr

Ooh, ouch. Luckily for us we have zero carpet whatsoever, but if Ace marked the couch I would be mortified.

Thank Goodness for Natures Miracle, that stuff is wonderful!!!!!!  When Lance was younger, if it rained he refused to go on the wet grass, even if we took him out, and he would hold it..and then yep, have an accident on the floor, luckily back then it was on the wood floor (kitchen), like he knew better, what happened than to go on the carpet.??   Although the living room back then was also gated off. 

Once again thank goodness for the carpet cleaner working again, it has gotten a work out when Lance was put on the predisone over the last year....so with the carpet cleaner and the natures miracle and a little more accidents than I would like in the house, I have to say it still smells okay in here....PHEW

Foxy Bear had an accident the other day and its been years since that happened. Its been super hot here and the dogs are drinking like crazy. She looked very remorseful. I have been taking them out more frequently now. No more problems. But if it keeps happening it could be a bladder infection. But my guess would be the heat and the increased water intake.

Yeah, it is probably that! This heat is really taking a toll on our usual routine - I have to move his walks until well after dinner in order to make sure he won't overheat!

Ludi, when Maddie had her little accident and the enzyme cleaner was still doing its magic, all three pets would wander closer to the spot, sniff from a safe distance away, make a disgusted look and back away. And they all made a large circuit of the area when they walked through (it was on an area rug). It was hysterical and also assured me that they had not done this before on the rug; my initial fear was that this had happened in the past while we were at work and we didn't notice. Their reaction assured me that we would have known!

Hahaha, that is just awesome! I am trying to picture a look of disgust on a corgi's face and it makes me laugh merrily. :-D

I guess he wasn't empty after all... :-)  It probably is from the extra drinking, keep him out a bit longer ( so he's marked a few times ) and take him out a bit more often while it's hot like that.

Yeah, I noticed he had guzzled down so much water in the fountain a half hour before his "accident". I had just filled it, and it was already dry! It's insane how much he can gulp down in this heat.

Ziggy peed on the rug the other day.. He was drinking a LOT and we went outside for a while, thirty minutes tops, after he had been out an hour or so before, and BAM. Pee allllll over the boyfriend's guitar stand.

I know it's not like dogs plot revenge, but I thought it was ironically funny because earlier the boyfriend had been chasing Ziggy with the vacuum hose, and Ziggy didn't like it.. Kinda like he got a bit of justice haha.


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