Archie loves to steal the cats food. I've tried putting it up when he's out & putting it back out when he goes to bed, but it's not fair to the cats, I have 3, and they all are hungry at different times. I know cat food isn't good for dogs, and he's only gotten a couple of nibbles each time before I catch him, but I've been racking my brain for a good solution. I never had this issue before with my older dog Caleb. Either he isn't interested in it, or he decided to listen after the first time I saw him look at it and I told him no.... ANY SUGGESTIONS?

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You could keep the catfood up where the cats can jump to get it but the dogs can't. Laika can't have the cat food because I think she has a grain allergy so we put it on the bed in one room (our guest room) and then another bowl on the other side of our baby gate that we divide the house with.
My two are always after the cat food, too. Our cat is fed in a little hall between the laundry room and the kitchen, and we either close the sliding door enough so the dogs can't get through, or we put up one of those baby gates across the doorway. Corgis are very persistent, and I don't think they'll ever stop stealing the cat food. We and the cat have had to adjust, not the other way around!


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