I picked up a rescue puppy thats between 4 and 6 months old. Shes very shy and also very stubborn. I guess my question is has she already developed habits that she's not going to want to be broken from? shes very anti leash and rather than walk with me she just lays down then gets up moves 20 or 30 feet and lays down again.

also shes very shaky I don't know if its being cold(unlikely) or being scared. and she has yet to bark.

any advice would be awesome.

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She might just be scared and unsure of this new situation from what you wrote this is at least her 3 home in 4-6 months that can be alot for a young dog. Just give her time to adjust first with lots of positive praise and Treats then start adding in small doses of training time until she's settled =)
It takes about 1 full month for the new dog to get out of "shell shock", if you provide her a good daily structure, she'll pick up by then. Change can put a load on any dogs, they usually respond by having loose stool, shedding more hair, un-sure, aloof and quiet. She wants to "investigate" you to see if you can be trusted. Give her sometime, you can walk her with a yummy smelly treat in her hand. Walking can built pack order, once she's build up a routine with you, she'll learn to rely on you and seek you as refuge. I've fostered corgis from all walks of life, give them time, she'll learn to trust your leadership.
got a new harness for her this morning and she was running around like mad with me. felt good. shes wagging the tail alittle more and exploring I guess she just needed time. off to the vet on monday to get all the shots and a check up. we'll see how she likes me after that. haha.
She will take some time to feel comfortable...remember to reward the behaviors you want and ignore the ones you don't want. My Sage is doing this in obedience class with the leash sometimes, they said you basically need to pull her along till she gets it that you are going to tell her what she needs to do but with a rescue you need to be very patient and reward her for those little steps. Maybe try a clicker? Shy may be from no socialization...can you set up some calm visits with 1-2 people/dogs and make it fun? Do not push her ...let her come up to them or watch themfrom a distance...she's probably never had this!. Sounds like she is scared! Poor baby!
Once she's been there a few days and is more comfortable, basic training will also help build her confidence and strengthen your bond. Just some simple commands, or teaching her to target, will really give her a lot more confidence and help trust you too.

Good luck!


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