On the news they are confirming that there was a case of swine flu in a cat. Prior to this they were saying it was unlikely to be contracted by dogs and cats, but that is no longer the case. Everyone is advised to keep their dogs from sharing water bowls with other dogs, avoid dog parks etc. If your dog is not acting normal (ie not eating, drinking, playing) call your vet.

Has anyone else heard more on this?

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This is the first I've heard of it jumping to our pets. I'll definitely be looking into it.
I saw the thing about the cat in the paper. They cautioned that just because one cat got it does not necessarily mean that other dogs and cats are susceptible to it. The cat survived, and several human members of the household had flu-like symptoms before the cat did. So it seems perhaps the cat caught it from its people.
My news tonight said the cat caught the swine flu from it's people. But they have no record of a human getting it from an animal yet. But, it is possible for it to go from animal to human and vice versa. I don't know... but that's what the news said in my area...
Yes, I did hear that the people in the home were sick. Still, until now they've said the flu will not pass from human to dog or cat and it seems that it did. There is no way of knowing how likely it is that H1N1 continue to be spread to pets so it's better to be cautious. I was sick a few weeks ago and I've had people over who were sick. I will be more cautious with who Finn comes in contact with if they are sick.
Not good!!!
Its not very common a thing to happen, and the cat was older. It's suspected it might have gotten it because it had a compromised immune system. It is not "no longer the case" that it's unlikely. It's still unlikely. Species jumping is hard for a virus to do and requires a lot of contact. Communication back requires even more contact, and contact with other animals and people for many tries at it. It's happened once, as is recorded, and there's no epidemic(of swine flu). It's highly likely that even if your flu does jump to your animal, it won't be communicable to other animals. Either way you should not sneeze in your dogs face, if only for the fact that someone else in your house will probably pet your dog and get flu off of it. Yuck.
Should be more worried about the dog-flu that's going around. Interestingly enough, that flu was first contracted by dogs from horses. Fancy that.
Perhaps I should have worded it differently. The point I was trying to make is that up until now we were lead to believe that a dog or cat contracting H1N1 wasn't possible and even though the virus mutates, it was unlikely that it would mutate and leave our pets susceptible. Many people were skeptical including some vets. Now that there is a proven case of H1N1 in a cat, the possibility of cats and dogs getting it is 100%, the likelihood however is still to be determined.


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