Leo figured out how to open the latch on Randy's crate (I guess by watching me do it?). Yesterday Randy was having a nap in his crate and when he woke up and barked Leo walked over to the crate and lifted the latch with his mouth and pushed it over to unlock the door. He then took his paw and opened the door to let Randy out. I thought it was a fluke so kept locking the door and Leo kept unlocking it in the same way. He did this 3 times in a row. Wow...now that is a smart dog. Last night Leo unlocked his own crate door from the inside and let himself out when Randy cried in his crate. When all was well again (potty break) I put them both back in the crates and Leo stayed in his even though he knows how to open his own door. How do mere humans compete with this kind of intelligence?