Funny thing, Oscar is great with stairs and if we let him he would go up and down the stairs that lead to the bedroom all day long. When we are downstairs we blocks those stairs with a baby gate. The odd part is the basement stairs are always left open so that our three cats and freely go up and down to go the bathroom. They also like to go down there when they are done being herded by Oscar. Oscar will play and chase the cats all over the place but when they go down the basement stairs he does not follow them. He also does not follow me down when I go to do laundry or get something from storage. Does anyone else have areas that their corgis just do not bother with? He has been in the basement before but only when I took him down there with me when he was a puppy so I know he knows that it exists. Don't get me wrong it is helpful that he is not down there getting into trouble but it is just funny that he seems to know it is a no corgi zone. Do you think it is a dominance thing and he knows that it is the cats area?

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When we first got Lance we didnt allow him to go into the basement because that is where the kids played. I didnt want to have to worry about him getting their things they didnt pick up. As the kids got older we let him down there more and more and he seems to want to be down there, where as before when we didnt let him down there he could care less if he was down there!!! He doesnt want to be stopped going down there now either!!!! I think he feels like it is his place now, lol
Hannah is exactly like Oscar. She will chase the cats all over the house, but when they run down the basement steps, she comes to a screeching halt at the top. If I go down there, she will lie upstairs and wait for me. I'm not sure why she's never tried going down, but I think she may be intimidated. She's never tackled more than 8 or so steps, and there's around 15 that lead to the basement. No matter her reasoning, I'm glad that she refrains from going downstairs as the cats definitely need a break from her antics!
Maybe because the steps are different in some way than the other stairs? Like the house stairs are carpeted and the basement stairs are open wood? Bear doesn't seem to mind the house stairs, but whenever we are somewhere with deck/patio step, he's much more cautious - I always think that it's harder for him to get his footing on the wooden steps.
Gibson used to not go down our basement stairs either.. They are concrete and steeper than regular stairs, so I didn't blame him. One day though he just decided to do it and now he goes down there all the time :)


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