I hope to have 2 litters late next winter or early spring and my question to corgi owners is...would you consider buying a corgi with an undocked tail. Many places in Europe have banned the docking of tails and I feel strongly that I would like to leave their tails but as a small time breeder I also want to make sure that my pups will get sold... so I am just checking out what other corgi owners would do if they wanted/found a pup but it had a tail.I most likely will do this (leave their tails) but would like some input!

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My Daisy has her tail and I love it! She is a pet not a show dog and her tail is awesome!
my OES breeder left my sheepie's dews on... i've had lots of problems with them... :( next dog = no dewclaws!! lucky for me, merlin doesnt have them.

and the vet asked if he had six toes on his back legs LOL - kinda says a lot about my vet, I guess, since he can't count, and wasn't aware of dew claws.
I am abreeder in Michigan and def dock tails on my pups unless they are natural bob. I have one female that always produces the natural bob tails. While they are at the vet for docking and dews my vet checks them over really good preventing and surprises later.
i don't think i would care one way or the other. I know I've said before that my next OES will have a tail. I just think a tail on a sheepie would be catastrophic and full of constant amusement as it would never stop wagging. But as for a corgi, I probably wouldn't specifically seek them out, no.
There was an article released today that may indicate the beginning of a change of attitude in this country:
Banfield Bans Ear Cropping and Tail Docking
Thank you Geri and Sidney! I read it quickly but will return to this article later and respond!
This is a lengthy topic! I would like to input that as a PWC owner of 2 different types of 'docked' tails I prefer a docked tail so I had the opportunity to show with a future pup/prospect. Though it wouldn't necessarily keep me from purchasing a healthy, well bred and sturdy dog if the tail were not docked.
Jane- What if you got a waiting list for the puppies first, and interviewed the prospective owners as to their preference to the tails? I know the Corgi is gaining popularity in MN, but a lot aren't very educated on the breed and even fewer show them, so I think if you as a breeder had the preference of undocked you could probably find owners for them, just get a head start on it maybe.
I think one of the things that make pems so special to me is that ever cute bunny butt!! I personally would never get a pem with a tail. But then I hate tails. The only dogs for me are tail-less! They have just as much fun wagging those butts!!
I would definitely buy one with an undocked tail!
My Sophie is 13yrs and I've been seeing more and more undocked Corgis. They are really starting to grow on me. I'd very seriously consider getting my next Corgi with her tail intact. Good luck with your puppies! can't wait to see the pictures!
I personally don't like tails. It's not only aesthetics, but tails hit things and knock them over and generally are more to worry about when getting dogs into cars, shutting doors, etc. I don't mind a stub (we had a Brittany before), but usually when I'm in a house with dogs with tails, it just feels like there's a lot more of them around. And, I love the look of a tailless corgi from the rear.
@ Betts...the car doors did take some getting used to but in the house it's not a problem as they are so low...they can't really knock things off:)


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