...his stomach is as tight a s a drum. He is a 3 year-old male, but looks pregnant. Labored movements. He looks so pitiful. He can't go up or down stairs. I have to carry him outside to do his business. Daily diarrhea. Still has appetite though (He's on Wellness Adult). The vet told us to get Zantax, and said to bring him in if he doesn't get better over the weekend, but I can't bare watch him suffer. I wish there was something I could do......

Anyone ran into this? 

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We tried all kinds of food. Rice, cottage cheese. bananas, chicken soup.  He would eat a little but not much.  Pain meds made him spacey. 

Usually they recommend higher protein for sick dogs and cats.  Will he eat canned food?  How about fish?  If things taste bland, some salmon or something might perk him up.  Heck, at this point if he'd eat a hot dog or scrambled egg I'd give him that.    Blue Buffalo and Merrick make some nicer canned foods that he might find appealing. 

I can't believe this news!  I am so very sorry.  All my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and Tod.

Natalia, I'm sorry to hear the news about Tod.  As a Hospice RN,  I would recommend pet hospice.  They now have the same hospice care available for people for pets and their families.  I found one in New York: Angel's Gate Hospice - Animal hospice services.  100 South Warehouse Lane, Elmsford, NY  10523 (914) 592-7362


You, Tod and your family are in my prayers.  Let me know if I can be of any assistance.


ps you can mix his medicine with a peanut butter or a supplement called nutracal which is a high calorie supplement in a tube similar to toothpaste. 

I'm so sorry to hear about Tod's diagnosis - such a sweet boy.  I can't imagine if I got news like that about Jake - I'd be completely devastated.  Tod's very fortunate to be in such a loving home for as long as he can - he knows you're doing everything possible to make his remaining time comfortable.  Big hugs from me and Jake...

So sorry to hear of this.. You will ALL be in our thoughts and prayers...

I'm in tears just reading.  You and your family are living our greatest fears. Our hearts and prayers go to you


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