Tom and I went to Hado-Bar farm in Nova, Ohio today for an introductory herding clinic. Although Tom seemingly had more fun rolling in the hay than herding, it was a great experience! :)

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How cool is that!   Even for first timers corgis already have more experience than the human....their natural instinct takes over.  Mine have never seen a sheep, goat or cow yet they just know how to work together to herd the cats...not that you can actually herd cats but they give it a good try.

Hi Linda! Tommy had never seen any livestock either! The extent of his herding is also kitties and that never works out so well for him either haha

This is awesome! Are you two going to continue with lessons?

Hi Jenny! We are currently living in a different state where I haven't been able to find any herding opportunities ... we were just home for a visit! I would like to try it again but i'm not so sure about Tom ... I think he prefers chasing squirrels!

One of Bella's pups was a natural herder and does wonderful but she started at 6months. I took Bella and Livvy to be tested but I think they were too uneasy about another person taking them to really show any instinct. It is amazing what Corgis can do:) Glad Tommy could get involved and he does look like he is having a good time!

Hi Jane! Tommy had a good time but i'm not sure it's his calling in life! He really didn't care about the sheep at all ... he totally ignored them until the handler got them broken up from the pack and they started running around ... then he was interested in chasing them. So I guess he was more interested in chasing and barking than the actual work of herding! But boy he had fun rolling! 

I think it might be easier when they are younger. Look up Rose and Little Winry under members and her video is posted on her page. I LOVE to watch it...they had a trainer at the place who hadn't seen this type of herding from a Corgi in a long while...he had all kinds of questions:)


This is wonderful!@!  I almost coughed up the breakfast that I was eating when I saw the second picture.  Certain Baby boys do have minds of their own!!  I expect that Jane is right that it is something that needs to be started young.

hahaha thanks, Lois! There are plenty more pictures exactly like that second one! He rolled and rolled and rolled! Needless to say he took a bath immediately upon arriving back at my mom's house! We had a good time anyway even though he wasn't the greatest herder of all time!

I'm glad you both had fun. Becca had a herding lesson last year and made it clear that she will do it if I insist, but agility is more fun. Though she has a grand time trying to herd smaller dogs.

hahaha Marcie, that's a good way to put it! I think Tom too only did it because we insisted! I think we might try agility next.

How cute! I'm new to the corgidom so the only time I've seen one in action is when mine tries to herd the birds that visit our yard.


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