i was wondering is it really necessary to teach baden tricks? he know commands on/off leash. comes when called and he has to sit for everything and plays fetch. i have tried to teach him "down" but he just dosnt get it...so im wondering if its really a big deal if he dosnt know any tricks? i guess i just feel bad because i see all these other corgis at 9weeks knowing all sorts of things while baden is 8months and just knows commands but only sit for a trick

teddy knew all kinds of tricks, my favorite was wave bye bye and i cant remember how i taught him

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I don't know if I'd use the word "necessary," but I think it's really important to teach your dog tricks in order to enhance the bond between you and your dog and for the dog's own mental development. Some dogs pick things up quicker than others, so I would just try to be patient with Baden. Also you can buy a book to help you train tricks. The books typically lay out how each trick step by step. I had one when I got Baxter and it was fun to pick out a trick and work on it with him.

i actually just tried to teach him lay down and he didnt care and didnt seem like he understood what i was trying to do. any trick i try and teach him he just smells/licks the treat and he then just looks all around and isnt focused on me at all. i have tried all sorts of treats but he dosnt seem to even care he would much rather be chasing the cats.

its not fun when u have a dog whos isnt willing to learn. teddy and u were so in tune with each other. he learned tricks in just a few mins and baden is the complete opposite

I mean teddy and *I*

Does Baden enjoy playing? How about tugging on a rope? If he likes that, then training him is just a matter of him learning that play is what comes after doing a couple of weird moves (tricks).

he does enjoy playing, he mostly likes squeaky toys. maybe that will work as i have never thought of trying it.

Play as a reward is fantastic. It builds focus, and play drive doesn't wane as quickly as food. If you have a long plushie with a squeaky inside it, encourage him to tug the plushie as well as squeak it. Tugging really gets a dog motivated for anything.

You don't need to teach him tricks as long as he knows the important ones (stay, heel, sit, and recall). Usually training a dog tricks makes the bond stronger between the human and dog, plus it allows the dog to develop courage (as many tricks are out of their nature state... such as sit pretty is not a natural position for a dog).

he does know all the important ones (like the ones u mentioned) he knows his recall very well and i practice it very often and it has become useful! he knows how to heel perfectly and when we are out on walks of i give the command he will go right to my side. he knows what "bed means" he knows the ones he should but laying down and others i would love to teach one day but he just dosnt seem to want to learn :/

I have heard some people comment that they would never teach their dogs "tricks", just commands that are useful. I have found that some tricks are useful. I tell my larger dog to play dead when I want to work on his feet. If Baden isn't interested in down, move on to something else. One training technique I've read about is "capturing" where you notice him lying down and praise him for good down. then try to notice him about to lay down and say down. eventually he would do it on command. I've also heard that the easiest tricks or commands to teach are when you are giving them a word for something they do naturally. If I hold a treat in the air above Snickers she will jump up and spin. So we gave that a name and she does it on command. I can see where you could lure Baden into something by using a toy instead of a treat. Don't give up on him!

im trying not to lol its just sad to see that he just dosnt get it at all. last night i tried with a squeaky toy and he likes that a lot better but of course with another corgi and 2cats there are some distractions in the house so he will loose focus

Luke knows uhhhh...shake. That's it I think lol. But then again he knows how to heel and all the rally novice commands too, which I find to be a lot more useful. Henry knows a lot of tricks and they really are cute, but honestly I'd rather have the dog know obedience! lol

Also for down have you tried teaching it on hard floor surface? Luke finally got it after weeks of trying on carpet...I guess it helps when his butt slides easier lol.


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