Anybody have experience with a TTA repair?  Seanna definitely has a torn ACL now in her right rear leg, and the surgeon has gone to the TTA repair versus the extracapsular.  I can still have either done, but I would prefer for her to have one solid leg in the future.  From all the research I'm doing, the TTA has outperformed any other repair, including the TPLO.  I'd like some input though from real life experiences if anyone has any!


We met with the surgeon today, and surgery is scheduled for next Friday.  He said that he couldn't manipulate it that well because she was so tense, but he said with her history, and the symptoms his gut feeling was she tore it.  He said if it walks like a duck, it's a duck.  So the plan is to anesthetize her Friday, do the drawer test and XRays, and proceed with surgery if it's torn.  If it's not, then he's going to pull the molar that's fractured that I didn't know about until Monday.  I feel worse about her tooth than I do her leg.  The good news I guess is that he doesn't do the TTA surgeries on corgi's.  He said they don't do well with that surgery at all because their legs are so short.  He said the hardware doesn't fit well, and they just end up with more problems.  He also knew one that had it done and had severe problems after-words...But for larger dogs he said he loves the procedure. So....of course I have to work Friday and Saturday all day.  At least my husband will be the bad guy for once when he drops her off and picks her up!

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Poor Seanna! Sorry for what you both have to go through!  Good luck!

I don't know of anybody who has had the TTA repair and at UC Davis I think they are stil continuing to do the TPLO as far as my understanding goes. The TTA is still quite new right? I would assume for something like orthopedic surgery, the newer the technology the better! I LOVED the success of the TPLO surgeries I have seen, and talking to clients they are very happy with the results, so I assume the TTA can only be better right?

Found this site that was interesting:


When I was going through the TPLO surgery recovery with my old dog I found the yahoo group Ortho dogs VERY helpful. I bet there will be people on there with first hand experience with the TTA. There was A TON of information 6 years ago when my dog had his TPLO and it was still a relatively new procedure, so I can't imagine all the info they'd have now.

Hi Jen, it's been around Europe since the late 90s, the procedure is less invasive (no cutting), fewer complications and faster recovery, most patients can be mobile in 24-48 hrs.

That's what I'm hearing.  I'm definitely leaning towards it- the only part that scares me is if the hardware gets infected, it's almost impossible to remove without destroying the bone.  I'm hoping to hear some success stories to alleviate my fears....


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