What's the best obedience book to buy? I never completed the obedience class because I started to have to work at nights (and unfortunately the nights the classes are held and I work weekends.) So I was hoping to do more obedience training with a book as a guide. Any tips?

Second question: I'm starting to wonder if I bought a big enough crate for Freya. She's only 7 months and has been in a wire crate for almost her entire life, I bought a medium sized one. So, is that a good size or should upgrade? I'm not terribly sure how much bigger she will get by the time she's two years old or if the length will be that much different at 7 months versus 2 years old.

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Did you want to compete or just improve your training techniques?
I just want to give her more mental stimulation for one thing. I'm also bothered that many of the commands she learned, she won't do anymore for whatever reason.

I'm partial to this one...and she's Sidney's obedience trainer.
My favorite dog training book is The Loved Dog by Tamar Gellar. She address all of the common dog "problems" as well as the essential commands dogs need to know. She also describes some fun games to play with your dogs. Her methods have worked great with my dogs.
I love to read dog training books and I also like The Loved Dog. My favorite is The Other End of the Leash by Patricia Mc Connell. Also, the ones with Mordecai Siegal & M (uncle Matty) Margolis are really good for basic info. I could go on and on as an avid reader and Animal Planet addict but I will spare you! Cesaer is good if you have a problem also" It Is Me or the Dog" tv show on Animal Planet.
I, too, would be curious to know the answer to your 2nd question. Stanley is 9 months now and we actually bought a really large crate for him. I'd like to downsize but I'm not sure if he's going to be bigger/longer by the time he's about 2 years.

But as for the training book, I've just recently started one that seems really interesting


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