Hi I'm new here. My name is Laurie and Tedi is one of my corgis.

My 4 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi (Tedi) started yelping while trotting around in the yard late yesterday afternoon (yelping lasted around 30 seconds). He never limped but kept stopping, sitting down and looking at his right hind leg. He has also recently been reluctant to jump up on the couch and walk up the stairs (for a little less than a week). He does not yelp at these times however (when he does jump up, walk up stairs).

Anyway, later last night when he was lying down in the kitchen I went out to pet him and check over his legs/paws gently. He seemed okay until I touched a certain area on the back of his right thigh...then he let out a yelp. I have no idea what happened to him.

He is overweight and has been on R/D dry food for 6 months with no real improvement seen weight loss wise. In general he just is 'off' and not his usual self.

I am taking him to the vet tonight to get him checked out. I'm thinking/hoping perhaps he has a soft tissue injury in his right thigh. But I'm also worried that it might be something worse. Have you ever experienced this with your corgis? Just wondering if whilst I'm sitting here worrying about him, if anyone has any thoughts on what might be going on?

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No suggestions on the pain, but if you keep his caloric intake restricted enough to get him down to a lean body weight, that should be good for overall health. [Al & Gwynn stare dagers into the back of my head as I write this.] I'll have to answer for this on Judgement Day ("Yes, Mr. Peter. That's him. That's the man who starved us our entire lives....").
Hope Tedi's OK.
Glad to hear your anxious to get him to the vet. You'll have to keep us updated on what you find out. Could he have been playing and something jab him in the thigh to cause the sensitivity and sore muscle? Is there any swelling compared to the other side or heat? Did wince in pain when you moved the leg or only if he moves it? Are there any bumps or abscesses that something could be causing an infection in the thigh? So many questions hopefully the vet will have answers to tonight. Good luck
Oh I'm very anxious to get him there and find out what is going on. It about ripped my heart out to leave him this morning but there is nothing else I could do; I can't bring him in until later today.

At first I wondered if he stepped on something in the yard and that set him off (he is pretty wimpy when it comes to ouchy stuff). But I found no sensitivity or blood, etc. on his paw.

He did not wince in pain when I touched his hocks/paws/hip/belly. But when I moved my hand to the back of his right leg, that is when he let out the yelp in the kitchen (he was laying on his left side completely relaxed).

I palpated no abscesses but then again, I didn't push the issue of touching him too hard.

As I said, he never limped or held his leg up or skipped or anything like that. He just kept trotting around, scared mostly I think, by whatever it was that happened.

I guess the thing that bothers me most is that he has been reluctant to get up on the couch like he normally does so effortlessly, along with being hesitant when going up the steps to get into the house. I'm just worried. I don't want him to hurt of have anything major wrong. He means so much to me and I will be devestated if he has surgery or something. :(
Re: his weight. I've been spending $45/20lb bag for the r/d dry dog food since May, and it has done no good so I am definitely going to look into other options now.
I think your best bet, rather than spending so much money on a food that is not even healthy (sorry, but Hill's is an awful company, I do not agree with many of their practices and their food is absolute trash), is to get a really good quality food and feed appropriate caloric amounts. I know Evo has a Reduced Fat food, and anything made by that company, Natura, is going to be good (includes Innova, Healthwise, and California Naturals). This site has a great list of healthy pet foods made by trustworthy companies: http://www.nzymes.com/pc/articles.asp?article_id=9&a=dog&ty....
Sky - I was feeding him reduced calorie California Natural prior to putting him on this damn Hill's crap. So frustrating. He is coming off this stuff as soon as this last bag is done (which it almost is). I'm going to start switching him back and try adding green beans like I've heard suggested by some folks.
I feed Bear a heaping half cup twice a day.

His weight is great (28 pounds) and steady. He and Goldy both eat Flint River - 32.99 for a 20 pound bag, free shipping.
I have started using the Flint River Food too. How do you like it? The Lamb and Millet has done well for my two!
How much are you feeding? Many think our Corgis need 2 cups of food a day and feeding instructions on many bags are too much for our little food hoarders. If you feel your giving such a small helping to bring weight down you can add green beans to his kibble that gives him more to eat but keeps calorie intake down. I feed my guys no more then a cup a day and I do run them quite a bit. Maybe get him more active while decreasing the amounts..speed his metabolism up.
Wendt - Funny you mentione the green beans as I just referred to that myself. How much do you give them?

As for the feeding, yes, we were instructed to give him 1.2 cups AM/PM of the r/d. The only thing it has done for him is to firm up his stool on a regular basis (of which it was not so solid when he was on the California Natural).
Please keep us posted on his leg! As for food, not sure how much you feed by my neutered male is very big (14 inches at the shoulder) and only gets 1/3 cup of kibble AM and 1/3 cup PM, with green beans, pumpkin, or yogurt mixed in sometimes in the evening. Many Corgis need an insanely small amount of food to maintain weight, and if he gets more than that he starts to pudge up. Read labels; you can find some regular kibble that has fewer calories per cup than many of the "diet" blends.
Beth - Yeah my Tedi is a big boy too. He has an insatiable appetite which is a big problem and why he is so fat.

How much green bean do you folks feed? Does it make their stool runny at all?

I will let everyone know the outcome of our vet visit, for sure.


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