so as most most of you know i have moved to Arkansas and i really like it here so far. i have made some new friends(one i meet on this site) and we have a cute little home and a very nice backyard. problem is i cant even go back there because my neighbor have 5 dogs..4westies and 1poodle. they are not friendly what so ever and just to avoid hearing the barking and see them trying to jump the fence after teddy i just dont go back there unless i have too.


well the other day we had a comcast dude come over to set up tv and internet. the poor guy walks out and all the dogs attacked him. they injured him badly and had to go to the hospital. all the lady did was pick her dogs up and went inside and that was it. in order to get the dogs off of him he had to kick and stomp all happened so fast.


i am now honestly scared as i was just about to take teddy out to go potty. what would have happened if they attacked me or teddy?? i would defend him at all costs of course and i honestly can say she would be paying for everything and lose her dogs.


the comcast dude called animal control and they came to get the dogs but the lady wouldnt let them in so they just left! i talked to them and they said this has happened before. why dont they just seize all of the dogs!? it seems like everyone's safety is at risk. it isnt fair that i cant even walk out into my backyard with out them trying to kill us. 


im just not really sure what to do as i love our home but living like this isnt right 

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A privacy fence won't prevent the dogs from barking at you nor will it prevent the dogs from getting over the fence again since I assume the chain link part would still be on their side so they could still climb it if they were riled up (unless the privacy fence extends beyond their reach). 


Can you replace the chain link fence with another type that the dogs would not be able to scale (or get a "paw" hold to catapult themselves over)?  If your neighbor is nice/reasonable, perhaps you can discuss your fears for your own safety and see if she'll split the cost of replacing the fence with one that will keep the dogs on their side.  Or suggest the fence replacement as a way to keep her dogs from getting out again, using the argument that if her dogs get out and attack another person, they will more than likely be taken away from her and destroyed since there has been a prior report.  I'm sure no one wants to see this happen so this would be a solution (or use an argument along those lines).  Or you can say something like "I've noticed that your dogs are able to scale the fence and get out - how about replacing the fence with something they can't climb over?"   


Do other neighbors share a fence line with this neighbor?  Perhaps you can talk to them as well. 


It's possible that your neighbor is embarrassed by the problem and doesn't know what to do about it. 


As Sam said, be nice to your neighbor.  If you approach your neighbor and it's obvious that she's not open to discussion, then just leave it alone and do as Sam says. 

Have you tried to talk to your neighbor about the situation?  Explained it to her calmly what your concerns are?  Just wondering, I know this doesn't always help.  Before we moved, we had one of these horrible neighbors as well.


In our situation, after trying to talk to them and getting the big blow-off, I contacted the local animal control and talked to them about what the local laws were regarding barking, biting, outside designated "home" area, etc.  Then I just had to call the police station every single time the neighbors dogs were being unlawful.


I was not happy about it, but I will tell you one thing, it seriously improved the dog's situation.  The animal control officers got really tired of being called to their address, started fining our neighbors (not just for barking, but for the neglect and abuse they were committing to the dogs).  Repeated finings caused the neighbors to start feeding, watering dogs regularly, build them a shelter, etc, etc.


Even though I repeatedly had to report these people, I was never rude to them or confrontational about it.


I know you situation is not the same.  But doing everything you can to change the situation may also help your neighbors dogs.  It is obvious that they are not getting the proper kind of attention/rules/boundaries/discipline that they need.

im glad that u improved the situation for the poor dogs. i wish the owner here would do the same. i havnt tried talking to her as when u even try to say hello she just gives you a dirty look -_-  all she does is sit in her house and scream at her kids or the dogs when they start to bark (which is all the time!) ugh i love my new home but this is so frustrating. i have never been rude to her, i am a nice person but im getting at the end of my rope with this =/
Another thing you could consider doing is video taping any sort of inappropriate behavior. At least you would have further proof.
that is a really good idea. the thing i noticed with one of her dogs is that it look like half of its body was shaved but she claimed it was allergies (my landlord asked) it looks like mange to be or a flea allergy

Just wanted to say that I'm very sorry to hear this.  


Some dogs are tough to keep in packs, and terriers in general fall into that category.  One terrier is a blast, two are about as much as most people can handle, three turn into a little gang.   After all, they were bred to be vermin dogs.


Poor cable guy.  That's really awful.  I hope you find a resolution to your situation.  Follow Sam's advice.  These things can be tricky.  She could probably resolve a lot of the problem by not letting out more than two dogs at a time.

thank you Beth,

i too felt so bad for the poor guy. he felt bad for leaving but i felt bad that he got bit! they are in there own little pack and its very scary when they try to attack u as they have some big teeth for little dogs

A 6 foot privacy fence on the side you have in common with your neighbor should do the trick.  If it looks goofy... have a laugh!  It will give you peace of mind and that's the important thing.  It is highly unlikely that the dogs you described can climb the chain link fence and go over the wooden fence, but if that concerns you, you can hot-wire the top of the fence.  Once you are no longer at the mercy of those dogs, who knows? You may even find a way of becoming friends with your neighbor.  After all, she must love her dogs and that much you have in common.
lol u r right, better peace of mind rather than be miserable. they still maybe able to hear me but oh well, u r right though. since she has five dogs she must be an animal lover as i am a huge one and thats why i work at petco as a dog trainer. i have even thought of offering to help her but she said that they hate strangers and will bite so nvm that idea!


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