My Dad's Corgi is due to have puppies any day now and they took her to have an x-ray done to see how many there is. I'm kinda worried cause She's only has one baby in there. Has any one out there has any trouble with single puppy litters. Is there anything We should look for? Thanks

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Aw, that's terrible!  So sorry for the loss!!  And I believe all the discussion about breeding and appropriateness was in response to Priscilla's thoughts about breeding, not anything to do with your dad's corgi!!



So sorry to here about your Dad's Corgi,  Ashlee.  I hope mom is doing ok with the loss of her pup. 

so sorry , i hope mom is doing well

Faith the Mama dog is doing good, dad was a little worried about her getting depressed cause she kept looking in the box for her little one, and was talking to their vet about anitdepressants for her. They spent alot of extra time taking her to feed the cows and trips to their feed store. and that seemed to do the trick. They are all coming for christmas so I will get to see her then.

Im so sorry to hear about the loss of the pup.  :(   Glad to hear that the mom is doing ok, its good that shes getting out.  Hope she continues to do well. 


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