Ever since i met my first corgi, i have saw them as awww aspiring dogs. Me and my life has changed since owning my corgi's, it may just be over a year, but what a year it as been. We do alot for our dogs, but what have they done for us.


Mine have:

  1. Made me more out going
  2. Able to talk to people with out that slight annoying stumbling of words.
  3. I have lived in many homes but no home ever felt like home, until the day i brought my first corgi. even after moving my new place still feels like home, and i am enjoying the feeling.
  4. I never feel alone, even when i am not even around them, just knowing they will be there when i get home.
  5. I am more patient
  6. I have been inspired to start drawing again.
  7. Most importantly i feel happier every day.

What have your corgi's done for you? How have they changed you and your lives?

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Yea the evil vacuum made mine pee!!!
Everything everyone had said :) Now, I need to get back to my corgi.

My corgi has made me into a morning person! No more sleeping-in when you can get up for a nice early morning walk.

A-men to that...5:00 comes early, but that face is worth it. Noodles makes me smile everyday and I love knowing he will be right by my side. He also makes sure I take the time to stop and smell the roses (smile).
My husband has heart problems and sometimes thru it all I have had to leave him at the hospital, mainly because I have a sweet Corgi at home waiting for me.  So I have to take care of them, would never leave them at home overnight alone.  When I come home tired, lonely and heartsick that sweet corgi is waiting for me and I feel needed.  Its also nice when you need to cry and not hear anyone talk, the Corgi is the best to take that and let you know that you are loved and valued.  My corgi makes me come home early because with all the craziness in the world when I walk thru that door, a corgi jumping, twirling andsmiling greets me and all that craziness goes away!  Thats what my corgi does for me!!!

Corgis add a little something to everything in our lives:

But one of the best things they've brought to me is getting me out in the neighborhood, routinely, meeting a lot of neighbors I wouldn't otherwise have met.  We're kind of a neighborhood fixture, and part of the local dogwalking subculture.  A solitary male is a lot more approachable and less threatening with cute dogs in tow -- we can lurk and hang out in places where I'd otherwise scare people -- and little kids are always coming up to see the doggies.  They are a great entre' and conversational gambit.  It's so easy to strike up a conversation with another dog person.  All of this was unexpected.

I wouldn't have made it through the last couple of years without my corgis. They make me laugh.

They add protein to my diet.

My 3 guys give structure to my day--having that responsibility has helped me grow up (at 63!) Of course all those smiles and joyfulness and the total committment to NOW.


 And I must say that my first Corgi who died at just 5, taught me a lot about loss and love.

I agree with everyone......2nd to that I LAUGH OUT LOUD......at everything from washing the floor to making her dinner, Munchkin makes me laugh.  And most importantly, I have seen my 9 yr old daughter blossom, become more responsible and reliable.  She has become the watchdog of the dog!!. This from the child that said she was "absolutely not going to pick up poop" LOL. Everything she does gets reported back to me. I had heard that  corgi will change your life and I truly believe it.  We are just one big happy family.
I consider my little Duchess a therapy dog.  She KNOWS when there is something wrong and leans into me, watches me intently and waits for hugs.  She is a warm fuzzy support system.  I have only had her for a little over a month, but she is my best buddy.

Mostly, Edison brings me out of my own head.  Sometimes, very pointedly, with a nose poke.  "Hello?  Hello?  There's a hungry puppy here!  What is so important that you ignore the puppy?"  Then I look at him, and the world is a better place, because there is a puppy (who is now 4 1/2), who cares about me (or at least my ability to provide food) and can't wait to see what happens next in life.  It's an adorably infectious attitude.  :) 


Also, he knows when my husband and I are bickering, and tends to break it up by requesting to be held (a corgi-height jump-up, sometimes directly into the lap).  It becomes a lot more important to compromise than yell when you're holding a corgi, did you know that?  They should have corgis at all peace conferences.  ;)

My boyfriend and I both wanted a corgi, so last August we finally got ours. We've definitely had a different connection, so to speak. Cody and I are best friends already, but having Shelby in our lives makes us feel more complete and more and more like a family. We'll take her on any errands, hiking, and outdoor excursions. Her personality, and her love for us makes her irresistible. She has this constant smile on her face when she's in mom or dad's lap or stretching to the center console in one of our jeeps, so she's between us. :)


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