Ever since i met my first corgi, i have saw them as awww aspiring dogs. Me and my life has changed since owning my corgi's, it may just be over a year, but what a year it as been. We do alot for our dogs, but what have they done for us.


Mine have:

  1. Made me more out going
  2. Able to talk to people with out that slight annoying stumbling of words.
  3. I have lived in many homes but no home ever felt like home, until the day i brought my first corgi. even after moving my new place still feels like home, and i am enjoying the feeling.
  4. I never feel alone, even when i am not even around them, just knowing they will be there when i get home.
  5. I am more patient
  6. I have been inspired to start drawing again.
  7. Most importantly i feel happier every day.

What have your corgi's done for you? How have they changed you and your lives?

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My corgi, Frodo, cracks me up! He is all about the ball. He trotted into the bathroom holding a well-slobbered ball, to where his 'dad' was sitting on the pot. Frodo wagged his little stub, then dropped his ball into my husband's underwear!

"Dad' was laughing and complaining at the same time.

Makes me laugh everyday
I never knew I tasted soo good
Frap and be happy !
A water dish is always a good place to cool your paws.
If it smells good roll in it.
Eat, play, poop, and sleep. Repeat all day.
Puppy breath should be boddled. Stuffing is always more fun outside the toy.
If you can't eat it or play with it. Bring it in the house through the doggie door for mommie.
You wear a Corgi 24/7
My corgi Harlequin has been such an important part of my life. The past few months I have been battling constant abdominal pain. She hasn't left my side and checks on me constantly. She sleeps next to my bed and will check on me in the middle of the night. My corgi keeps me happy and keeps a smile on my face as I battle through this pain. She is my world. I'd be lost without her companionship and patiences. She knows mommy can't do things like we used too and accepts it. She's happy to just lay next to me.
Yes, they know when we are not right and get very worried. The need to touch you and snuggle you seems to be a desire to comfort you. I hope you feel better soon. Give your sweet Harlequin a soft kiss from this corgi mom.

She's made the house full of "Camber Fluff".  Made me save the plastic bags from the Supermarket...

They are great ice-breakers. Walk them down the street and strangers grin, ask about the breed or tell you that they have a corgi, or their friends do. And since the corgis are so friendly people are happy to pat them and stay and chat awhile.

I'd say probably just the best friend that anyone could possibly have <3

I am a new Corgi parent and Chase is only 6 months old, he is my first furbaby on my own. In just the past few months he has taught me to be a more responsible person. There is a reason I call him my furbaby and not my dog. Chase is like a child to me, I do not have any (human) children but Chase is every bit as demanding. It is my responsibily to make sure that he is happy, healthy and safe at all times. I have to do things for Chase that may not sound fun (like checking poo to make sure there is no blood, worms, things he shouldn't have ingested) but the fun things (like frapping) make the chores worth it. Chase is teaching me how to be a good and responsible mommy. I would no sooner give up on Chase than I would my own flesh and blood child.
Chase is teaching me not to be so tightly wound. I have to stop and enjoy the fun, little things instead of worrying about the room being clean. It's okay for the laundry to be put off in order to go outside and enjoy the nice weather. "Mom get off the computer and let's go play!!"

He has taught me to be more patient. I have to admit that I have not been a very patient person, I like things done ASAP and correctly the first time. Potty training broke me of that. Now that we have potty training down, basic training is going to give me another dose of absolute patience.

Also, I have always been very shy. As a freshman in high school I wouldn't even ask for a refill at a restaurant. Now that I have Chase, I have learned that in order to make sure that he is getting everything he needs, I have to ask questions and make decisions for his benefit. I have to make phone calls, schedule his appointments and overall be in charge of his well being. Chase has taught me not to be so shy and to stand up and be heard!

Thank you to Chase, for making me a better, more productive and responsible person. Being your mom has been an absolute pleasure and joy! I look forward to the years we have together! <3

They make me smile and laugh even when life is insane. I have lost both my parents since last August. I don't know how I would have coped with it, if God hadn't sent me this sweet little angels to help me through!

Camber is good for nothing, lol, but we love her and she is the cutest!

Taught me what a really fun pet is like- ruining all past and future pet choices.

I learned how smart they are. I watched Frodo figure out out to get thru his doggie door after he was neutered and had that big hood on his head. He just backed out the door and the hood smooshed up around his face. He got really good at scooping up his squeaky toys with that hood. He'd carry his toy around in the hood, and squeak it as needed.

And Roxy took an hour to figure out how to get her little watering can thru the doggie door. She  finally poked the can halfway thru the door, ran around outside and pulled and twisted the can thru. Then picked it up by the handle and trotted off to do her gardening.

All three of them "bow" to me when I say, "bow". Or maybe they trained me to say, "bow"!!!


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