well i have a interesting story for both my corgi's. first

"WREN" it was February 29th 2004 (leap year) and i was supposed to pick Wren up from the breeder that day, and come that morning i still have not had a named picked out for her. it was going to be Zoey but just couldn't commit to that name. so my family has been constant readers of the comic "Baby Blues" and about the time i was getting Wren the couple in the comic were expecting a baby. they revealed the name in the sunday edition, right before i was to get the puppy. i read the comic and saw the name and a light went on. "Wren, thats it" my family agreed it would be a perfect name, and it was!!!

and now...

"OZZEE" again like Wren i couldn't decide on a name for him. for the longest time it was going to "Harvey", my father is a HUGE batman fan. we had gotten Oz about 3mos before the latest batman movie was due in theaters, so it was perfect. But my dad wanted to change it to OZZEE, before we brought Oz home, my dad had become friends with a guy at a local grocery store, and he thought he was the coolest person. (he was a janitor, not a big deal or anything) but my dad came home one day and said "we should name the new pup "Ozzee" i said okay, but im changing the spelling because i wanted some what of a unquie name for my dog.

and well for my kitty "MR. BUSY" well hes a cat that never sleeps. he's ALWAYS busy doing/chasing something.

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The naming of our girl is quite simple.....Maureen and I are big fans of "The Honeymooners", so it was a given that our girls first name would become Trixie after Ralphy-boys loving wife. I then took it one step further being a Stevie Ray Vaughn fan her middle name became Vaughn, the only problem is that we have taken to calling her Trixie Lou....kinda rolls off the toungue easier than Trixie Vaughn. Her registered name, however is "Trixie Vaughn Christine"....
Honestly, it took forever to find a name for her. My two roommates kept suggesting names from comic books, games, etc., but I didn't like any of them. I really wanted to find a Welsh name for my Corgi, not only because they are Welsh corgis, but also because I spent six months living and studying in Wales. Problem is, Welsh names are impossible to pronounce! So I settled for a plain old Celtic name. Shayleigh is the name of an elf character in one of the books I'm reading and I really liked the name. Turns out it means "fairy princess" which is perfect considering the legends of Corgis that involve fairies.
Leo got his name from two sources. One he is a Leo in astrology (just like my human son who was born August 1st, Leo was August 4th). Second was his confident, king of the jungle, attitude when I first brought him home. Even as a young pup Leo was not the least bit timid. I felt he had the heart of a lion and therfore, Leo was his name. Randy got his name before he was even born. I had always wanted a son named Randy (it seems my first crush on a boy was a kid named Randy). I was only able to have one child and he is named for his father, so I never got my Randy. Now I do.
Our story starts out kinda sad. Violet's AKC name is Hope's Violet Iolite. Hope is for the little girl we lost on February 16, 2006 due to complications with the pregnancy. She was the only child I ever was able to conceive so we called her Hope, but she didn't make it. After the doctor told me there was very little chance of having another baby, we got a puppy - I needed a baby to love. Violet came to mind because violets are purple, like February's birthstone. iolite is greek for violet. Of course, now Violet fits her because she can be very sweet but strong minded and stubborn - just like a violet.

Magnus AKC name is JS Magnus Primus. Magnus is latin for "magnificent" and Primus means "first" or "one". So he is the Magnificent One - and that name does fit - he truly believes he is the magnificent one. Of course it probably doesn't help that we tell him he is the most beautiful boy corgi there is - and Violet firmly believes she is the most beautiful girl in the world. They both have us firmly twisted around their little paws...........but I think all corgi parents feel that way.
I'm so sorry to hear about your pregnancy. What a sweet name.
Sookie got her name from a character in Charlene Harris's Souther vampire series. Our previous corgi's name was Xena. We watched the Xena series. My husband named both of them.
This is rather silly... but growing up, I loved the show Gargoyles. My favorite character was Owen Burrnet who was also the trickster Puck. You could also say he's from Shakespeare's a Midsummer's Night Dream but I've heard it argued that the character Robin Goodfellow was never called "Puck" in the original play. I asked my fiance and Puck was a go. :-) He already responds to his name and it really fits him.
Pretty obvious I'm a big Elvis Fan and he likes his name too!
Jack was to be a girl called Isabella, Izzy for short.

Then we talked to the breeder, and she said based on what we were looking for, she had two pups that would be perfect for us, but they were both males. We trusted the breeder and went with a male.

We were trying to think of a boy name on short notice. I wanted a registered name that had a common name that logically went with it. We were to pick him up on 07/07/07, which is meant to be lucky. So we called him Corgard Lucky Sevens (like the slots machines) and his common name is Jackpot, or Jack for short.

My favorite all-time registered name/ call name combo was the Beagle that one the big titles a few years back. His name was Park Me In First, "Uno" for short.
My husband and I take turns naming. Since he was not sure he wanted another dog when I talked him into a puppy, he got to name him. My husband grew up in East Lansing, Michigan and is an avid Michigan State fan of course it had to be Sparty! (MSU mascot) Our next corgi was my turn and she was a very sweet little red and white corgi so I named her Buffy. It just seemed to fit her. Unfortunately she only lived to 6. Next came Izzy, named after the Izzone (MSU student cheering section) and Tom Izzo the basketball coach. I guess you know who picked that name! I really never researched names but just liked to look at them and use a name that fits.
There was a Skye Terrier named Wheresyerlegs a few years back. I thought that would be a great corgi name!
We had a really cute name picked out for our puppy, and then when she arrived.... it just didn't fit. It was actually my boyfriend that came up with Lindy - after the Lindy Hop of the 1920s. I think it was her goofy jumping/twisting/shuffling puppy gait that inspired him. The name also just happened to have the perfect meaning...

Name: Lindy
Gender: Either
Origin: Spanish
Meaning: Tender Beauty
History: Lindy came into use in America in 1927 when the dance called the Lindy hop became popular. The dance was named for aviator Charles Lindbergh, on May 20, 1927, the date Lindbergh made aviation history by his perilous solo flight across the Atlantic. Charles Buchanon named the dance after reading a newspaper headline that read: "Lindy Hops the Atlantic". The Lindy Hop (or Lindy) is the original form of swing dancing, which originated in the 1920's in Harlem, NY. The dance can be wild and spontaneous, with frenzied kicks and body movements, or it can be cool and sophisticated. The most important aspects of it are that it is danced with your partner, to the music, and that you enjoy it. With a character all its own, fun and exuberant, Lindy Hop is hard to resist! The Lindy Hop is considered a cultural phenomenon that broke through the race barrier when segregation was still the norm.

The Lindy Hop: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTg5V2oA_hY
Billy was the name random name the breeder picked for the website she put him on...my boyfriend wanted to name him Bug...so his full name is Billy Bug, but I just say Billy. Everyone in the family wants to rename him, like Billy is a weird name lol


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