Hi there!


I thought I'd start a thread where we can post our Tumblr id's, so we can make sure we're following each other for more Corgi goodness!


I'll start - on Tumblr I'm fuckyeahcorgi. I mostly reblog other pics and add my own captions, but every once in a while both Biscuit and Bentley manage to sneak their way into a post :D I'm a very proud corgi human!

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Gambit!'s tumblr is still pretty bare since my pup is still only 5 weeks old, but once he comes home I know for a fact I'll be posting much MUCH more ;D

I just made a tumblr for my corgi. It's Mila the Corgi. :)

http://charlestonchewbearz.tumblr.com/ This is Charlie's tumblr!

Pickles's tumblr! :) 



We are Wileywoo http://wileywoo.tumblr.com/ on tumblr!!

I've just made a tumblr for my new addition, Dallas :3 http://corgi-underfoot.tumblr.com It's a wip but there we are!

Franklin just got a tumblr: Franklin the Corgi I plan to mostly post silly pictures of him. He already has a very successful facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/FindFranklin) with photos of him hiding, but I wanted to do something a bit different.

i thought i put it on here? but apparently i didn't? no idea...

also biscuit is an awesome name!


or machetecorgez.tumblr.com

i just made emi and helix a tumblr as well since i was worried about everyone who judges me cause im the lady who posts too many pictures of her animals LOL


I have a tumblr page also which I mainly post photos of my Ada. I also post my zoo adventures and other pets

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