My babes are 10 months old so this is there first real summer.  I love all the pics and videos of all the corgis swimming/lounging in water.  We have a small pool that we thought they might like to play in but first they were afraid of it then they drank out of it, never got in.  We also have a larger above ground pool and are wondering if they will get in?  Are there some that do not like the water or is it something they will eventually try?  Is there anything we can do to encourage them to play in the water? 

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I actually never knew Teddy loved the water so much until I threw a stick into the water and he went right for it. He got out and then stared at the water and then slowly got in while I gave him a ton of praise. But he was afraid at first to go out into the middle so I actually got into the lake to show him it was fun. After that he goes in all by him self. What r your Corgis personalitys? R they out going? If so then it won't take long. If they r skittish it may take more time. What u can do it take yummy food such as hot dogs and get unto the kiddie pool with them and even if they come over to see reward them. Give lots of praise. If it takes s few days just gently put them in there. Once they r %100 confident take them to your big pool and do the same thing with treats and praise. I got to witness a 10yr old dog discover how just much fun it is to swim. after all those years now he can't get enough and the owner gently led her dog to the water and put him in there
Of my three, one (Annie) absolutely adores getting in the river and swimming around.  The other two go in and paddle about and have fun, but actively swim like Annie does.  However, Annie was afraid of the water at first.  She'd whine and pace and whine and pace while the other two were in it, but eventually she just plunged in and from that day on, she's a water dog.  Maybe float some toys in the water or get in yourself and splash about.  They might just join you.  Just take it slow and pretty soon you'll have corgis dripping water all over your floors!
Hi Mia / Kim, proper introduction is the key, generally if they were exposed to shallow wading pool at a young age, they'll do quite well, NEVER throw them in, gradually introduce them, make sure they have a way to get back to solid ground on their own.
Napolean never really liked the pool ,but the day I threw the ball into the pool he jumped right in! It mostly depends on what your dog likes the most. For example, Napolean loves his ball and toys so he'll do pretty much anything to get them, from bouncing down two flights of stairs, doing tons of tricks, facing his fears, and jumping into the pool. I recently started to super praise him when he was just swimming towards his ball, and as soon as he grabbed the ball in his mouth I went silent. At first he didn't seem to notice, then he figured out, "Wait, mommy isn't saying anything when I'm getting out or out of the water." Eventually, he got super excited to get in pool, so I recommend doing this so they'll think getting in the pool is a maximum party!! Hope this helps :)
My Yoda loves swimming in the lake even when it is freezing out he has been known to take a dip. He defiantly does not have much endurance swimming but that maybe due to coming from sea level and swimming at 6000ft. We make sure he is always supervised while swimming and loves to come swim out to us and take a break while we hold him in the water and then swim back to shore. Anything with waves now that is another story. Corgis can easily get rolled over in waves so this corgi and my past corgis really do not like oceans when there is any wave activity. My previous corgi LOVED kiddy pools. She would run from across the yard and leap into the pool and slide across the bottom to make a tidal waves. She would do this over and over until all the water was out of the pool. She would also lay down in the pool for hours when she was really hot!
only one of my 3 really likes the water.  The other 2 will wade and splash around but the youngest loves to swim in big circles.  they were all started in a baby wading pool in the same who knows?


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