It's been a week since Bento joined us, and he's wonderful (of course).  There is this one thing that I've noticed that concerns me a bit.  He won't eat unless I hand feed him.


Everyday, I place his food in his bowl, and he'll nibble it, but then he ignores it.  30 minutes later, and he only ate that little nibble.  I take the bowl away and no more food until his next meal.  When it's time to eat again, he does the same thing


At first, I thought he doesn't like the food.  But, he'll eat it if I hand feed the kibble to him. 


What should I do?

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With young puppies I've always used Cheerios (one at a time) as a training treat.  They are easy to carry in  a pocket, are crunchy, so  the pup feels he's getting something, and, if you squeeze one between two fingers, you'll see there's not much in them.  A few a day will not interfere with their eating habits..
I softened her food for one meal a day only for the first 2 weeks. Her stool was pretty runny from that though.
I've never heard of softening the food causing the's just water. Puppies often have upset tummies from being in new environments though.
Sorry I didn't mean like watery runny. She wasn't sick from having the watered down food. It was just softer than her normal stool, so it was kinda gross to pick up with the potty bags.

All of my corgis have gone through a stage where they'd only eat their kibble if I handed it to them or at least stood by while they ate.  The phase passed and I did the no treats in between and you get 15 minutes to eat this, kiddo, stuff. But puppies do need to eat... 

Some of them(adults) will still take a peice of food and scamper away from teh food dish to eat it.  I think that behavior is very corgi!


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