Today at work I had taken Wynn out and returned through the garage. It was still dark and I never thought of the outside garage steps. All of a sudden I heard...thump...thump...thump...and realized he must have walked in and gotten too close to the steps. He was standing at the bottom and I carried him up. No signs of any injuries but tonight he didn't want to go down the steps. Anything I should watch for other than the obvious signs of injury?

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I would just keep an eye for any changes in "energy." One day I came home and he just wasn't "himself." I took him to the emergency vet just for a look and well... We found that he had broken his leg at the knee cap (growth plate). They said there were two options 1.) Amputate (was not an option for us) or 2.) surgery. Scotty has sported a titanium rod since he was 6 months old!


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