
Caring Corgis

If your corgi has a problem of any kind, Then join this group! If anyone has tips or advice to help other members, please add them! Lets help some corgis!

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Latest Activity: Jul 31, 2013

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Comment by Bryan and Tara on May 16, 2010 at 9:48pm
Wendy: thank you for your response. I JUST NOW found it, since I haven't been on the site for quite a while and forgot about this group (sorry guys). He is both over weight and out of condition. It's a "chicken or egg" situation. The more he exercises, the more he limps and seems to hurt. The more he hurts, the less we can really exercise him. We try to have his "cousin" and best friend, Salty, over to play at least once a week (and of course walk him daily). Salty and Bryan run each other ragged! They have a ball-- then Bryan is "grandpa puppy" for the next couple of days. We're thinking we need to get Bryan a little brother or sister to keep him consistently busy. Thanks for the suggestion of chiropractic. I had wondered about that. Now to find a good doctor.... We're going to take him to his regular vet to check this out too.
Comment by Desert Corgi Pack on March 3, 2010 at 4:38pm
Tag has athsma and allergies. She gets excited and "snorkels" which we've learned is called reverse sneezing or coughing. A trip to our vet has revealed that her epiglottis is large for her size and contributes to the problem. Tag also has "cherry eye". We looked into the surgury to correct it, but learned that it's not very successful or very comfortable, so as long as it doesn't crause her problems we're not going to have the surgury. So. Tag gets "vaporized" on a regular basis and gets doses of Benadryl. She hates the Benadryl because it makes her sleepy. She and the rest of the pack all love the vaporizor. We find them clustered around it whenever it's on.
Comment by Jackson♥ on February 27, 2010 at 10:17am
Thats really good that Lucy doesnt seem to have any problems yet! Jackson doesnt seem to have any either, but you never know what could pop up!
Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on February 27, 2010 at 1:57am
Lucy doesn't have a problem yet that we can see, but, we are thinking about adding a second corgi and then i might really need some help from your group.
Lucy is our princess, since our 3 girls have flown the coop. Hard to imagine if she will welcome a sibling or not.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on February 27, 2010 at 12:23am
Is Bryan overweight or under conditioned? I never take my guys out to run them hard right away..I allow them to go at their pace to warm up and then we play and I always have a cool down as well. My food also contains glucosamine which helps with joints and synovial fluid. I keep nails nice and short so there is no stress to the paw and ligaments in the leg from then falling back to much on the joint because of long nails. The sway back can be an issue and is this due from an overweight issue or an injury. I would definitely have it looked into and Chiropractic work can be very beneficial along with massaging and accupuncture. Maybe to get him more fit w/o adding stress to his skeletal system..have him swim or run on a treadmill in water. Maybe this article can add some insight for you.
Alternative Medicine
Comment by Bryan and Tara on February 26, 2010 at 2:01pm
BTW: Jackson is a BEAUTIFUL PUP !!!
Comment by Bryan and Tara on February 26, 2010 at 2:01pm
Bryan has an intermittent limp-- especially after playing hard. And he seems to get stiff frequently. He's only 3 !!!! We hate to see him hurting and don't really know what to do. He is very long and has a bit of a sway back-- we wonder if that's related. There is a "pet chiropractor" in our area.... I sometimes wonder...

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