What are your top 3 favorite books and/or authors? You can list more or less I just thought 3 was a good number. :)

What is/was your favorite children's story?

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Oh, I loved Where the Sidewalk Ends! The Giving Tree and A Light in the Attic are great too. Shel Silvertein is awesome!
Heh...in a former life, at a job, long-long ago, I spoke with Mr. Silverstein when he called to check on his mutual fund. Managed to work a bit of fandom into the call.
Love the name CorGeek. You do have a way with words: "managed to work a bit of fandom into the call," haha. BTW, Lucy loves to sleep on her back!
My favorite is Pride and Prejudice. I also loved The Prince of Tides by Pat Conroy and the Dark Tower Series by Stephen King(does that count as one?).
As far as children's books, I have to go with Tasha Tudor's books but I also love Good Night Moon. Although, my favorite as a child was Heidi.
I counted all of Harry Potter as one so yes, the Dark Tower series equals one book. :)

Pride and Prejudice is very good as well.
 I also love the Little House on the Praire books and the Trixie Belden Books as a kid.
Wow...too hard!
William Goldman, Alice Hoffman, Anne Tyler

Favorite book:
John Kennedy Toole's A CONFEDERACY OF DUNCES. I have to put James Clavell's SHOGUN at the top, too.

Favorite children's story: Knot's on a Counting Rope
I'm cheating and adding another favorite author, Michael Cunningham.
My latest favorite books are......The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Its a story told by the family dog. Its a very moving story and I couldnt put it down. He has quickly became a favorite author of mine as I read his other 2 books, Raven Stole the Moon and How Evan broke his head and other secrets. Garth Stein is coming to my town in April and I cant wait to meet him!!!
Another of my favorite authors is Mitch Albom. Tuesdays with Morrie, Five people you meet in Heaven, For one more day, and he has one more out that I havent read yet, Have a little Faith. His books will make your heart soar.
Another favoite author is Dennis Lehane. He wrote Mystic River and a series of books about Patrick and Angie, a private detective team that I couldnt get enough of. He also wrote Shutter Island which I see has been made into a movie but I didnt read it. It looked too scary and I cant handle scary stories...lol.
My favorite childrens books were Rabbit, Skunk and the scary rock, What do you Say Dear, and The Phantom Tollbooth.
By the way......I LOVED Water for Elephants!!!!!!!
I have not read any Dennis Lehane books but I did enjoy the Mystic River movie and I'm looking forward to seeing Shutter Island.

I LOVED the Phantom Tollbooth! The cartoon was really good too.
My absolute favorite is Anne Rice followed closely by Jacqueline Carey, Edgar Allen Poe, and J.K. Rowling. I read a lot and like a lot of books. I have favorites in most categories.

I know this discussion in a bit old, but I just found this group, and I love books, so I'll add my bit as a new member :).

My favourite books are Pride & Prejudice as well as the Harry Potter series (so no total surprises there, par for the course with a few other members) and the 3rd spot changes all the time, usually depending on what I'm reading.

I have a few favourite childrens stories- There's a Hippopotamus Eating Cake is my absolute favourite, but the Hungry Catepillar and the Borrowers saga are up there too along with The Magic Faraway Tree and the  Wishing Chair by Enid Blyton.


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