Corgies with fears and phobias


Corgies with fears and phobias

My older dog is so afraid of storms and fireworks. It seems like he is getting worse! He trembles, pants, and tries to hide. He gets in small spaces, and gets into the bathtub. He even salivates. Dose anyone use any medication their dogs anxiety?

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Scary People

Started by Cassandra. Last reply by Cassandra Jul 17, 2010. 2 Replies

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Comment by Katie & Mitzie on January 14, 2011 at 1:39pm
I just discovered that Mitzie doesn't like the sound of Soda.  The carbonated bubbles make her really angry, and she runs around in circles and yells at them.
Comment by Einstein Batista on January 10, 2011 at 10:36am
Ein is afraid of thunder
Comment by Lynne Cerny on December 1, 2010 at 1:25pm
Sally is afraid of blankets, plates in our hand, loud noises, wind or any sudden movement. She is getting a little better, she is our rescue and she will be with us a year the end of this month. She is such a lover; I just hope she comes around eventually. She has in the last two months learned how to play with stuffed animals, so that is progress! :)
Comment by Alyssa & Chris W. on December 1, 2010 at 8:50am
Murphy is afraid of bigger dogs. He's been this way since he was a pup and he'll get submissive and roll onto his back and let them sniff him. He's also afraid of the vacuum and will show his teeth and try to attack it, he's also afraid of anything that is upright. He doesn't like trash bags or trash cans and will bark and growl at them. I think that's really all that he's afraid of. He sleeps through thunderstorms, they don't really seem to phase him.
Comment by Rebecca Brooks on November 4, 2010 at 11:33pm
Molly has a few odd phobias. She is scared of her daddy's golf bag. She acts like it's the devil. She is scared of loud animals she cannot see. If she hears them and doesnt know where they are she gets on her hind legs and waves her little arms around with her ears back despirately trying to get me to pick her up. If she see's the animal she's fine. She also hates being outside alone. I raised a wuss. The sweetest wuss, but a wuss non the less.
Comment by Laura Jones on November 4, 2010 at 11:14pm
I just adopted a six year old corgi who has some kind of weird phobia/problem with going in and out of doors. You have to open them all the way and stand way back out of her way for her to go through and then she races through really fast. Even getting into her crate, door has to be open all the way and you have to stand back.
Comment by A & P on October 4, 2010 at 3:46pm
Hi all, one of my Corgis has tons of fears of loud noises and I have discover that white noise helps! We went on line to download free white noise or you can purchase a white noise machine. We live near an area that host 4 of July events so this past July 4th, we placed him in a room closed all the windows and play the white noise very loud and after a while, he just relaxed and fell asleep. It was amazing! On trash day, we leave the white noise on the CD player and he is perfectly fine. White noise will help so give it a try!
Comment by Lorena Allred on August 5, 2010 at 10:33pm
Angus, my Cooper sounds like your Mike! He was a 'country dog' that we got from corgi rescue. The 4th of July really messed him up! His morning walk is OK, but his afternoon/evening walk is rushed, he tries to get back into the house, it's as if he's afraid it will start up again. I'm hoping he snaps back soon, but we might have to consider medication for next year.
Comment by Noah & Jill Davis on July 27, 2010 at 9:41pm
Well I did it, I finally broke down and gave our dog Iggy some over the counter medication for the 4th of July weekend. It is called Happy Traveler. It is all natural ingredients and helped out alot over the weekend. The website is . I gave it to him about 30 minutes before the fireworks hit. It made him kinda sleepy, but not totally zonked out. I would definately use it again because he hates storms and fireworks.
Comment by Mendy Miller on June 8, 2010 at 5:36pm
Petie only gets medicated 5-6 times a year. We rock out the short storms. I understand what you mean, though. It's tempting to medicate to Elliott all the time, esp. when we are trying to watch a movie, and he wants to play frizbee or throw his rope toy. : )

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