Stephanie McVay
  • 36, Female
  • Statesboro, GA
  • United States
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none - army brat
About Me:
I am a 23 year old Anthropologist and Geographer. I have always wanted corgis and finally got one a year ago (Bindi). I fell so in love that i just had to have another (Leo). Now my corgis are my everything<3
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have a red headed tri male named Leo and a red and white female named Bindi. Bindi is extremely smart! She can do the basics plus play dead, speak (& count to 3), spin, shake, some agility stuff, and even gets me a tissue when i sneeze. But Bindi is also pretty spoiled because she was an only child for a while - making her a little dominant. Because of her dominance, Leo became super submissive. Leo is also a little dopey but often surprises us with his smartness. He is extremely attached to Bindi and doesn't know what to do without her.
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At 8:21pm on September 16, 2010, Keli, Abbey, Buster,Bella & Kids gave Stephanie McVay a gift
Thanks, Keli and Abbey
At 12:35pm on August 9, 2010, Lori A. Haskett said…
Welcome Stephanie, Bindi & Leo! Love the pics! Your pair reminds me of mine! Callie is for sure top dog with all the smarts...aways working. Where Cooper is for sure rather dopey but at times surprising us with moments of smarts. Thanks for sharing...
At 1:06am on August 7, 2010, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 5:37am on August 3, 2010, David said…
Welcome from Yoda and David!
At 11:32pm on August 1, 2010, Tammey & Caven said…

At 1:55pm on August 1, 2010, Carol Rea said…
Welcome Stephanie, Bindi and Leo! Our 1st corgi was a red and white, perfectly trained, then came Lucky our Tri who is our wild child, then came Sonny our sleep all day sable - such different personalities! Your children are gorgeous, I am so glad you posted pictures right away so us looky loos can see. Carol, Lucky and Sonny
At 7:20pm on July 31, 2010, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Stephanie, Leo and Bindi! Your corgis are gorgeous. Is Bindi named after Steve Irwin's daughter? I used to love his show.
At 9:23pm on July 30, 2010, Roger/Laurie said…
Welcome ...........your tri looks so much like my Tenby, Mine is a free spirited wild child, is your tri as wild and crazy as some of the other tri's around here

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