Does anyone have any prayer requests that you want other Christians to pray for?

It would be great if and when God answers the prayer if you would write back and let us know; this would be a great encouragement for us (only if you feel comfortable).

Are there others who would volunteer to pray?

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After much prayer, we have decided to take to the next level and turn it into a non-profit charity officially, we will be getting our papers from the government sometime next week. Our next big step is to obtain 501c3 status, that will allow us to take things to the next level. I will make the official announcement when the right time arrive.

Please pray for me, that I shall be humble in this new venture, may God place the right people in my path, open different opportunities and find new ways to help the corgis in need. Thank you for all your prayers.
Sam, that is GREAT! I will definately be praying for you.
yes, will will be praying, too, Sam.
Yes, I will be praying too. God bless you in this new endeavour!
I have a prayer request (or two). My husband and I are dealing with many serious health problems right now. We are both going through much testing to get diagnosed. I would ask you to pray for wisdom for the doctors, that waiting lists for tests would dissolve and we could get in quickly and most importantly that God would heal us from these diseases. Lastly that we will be willing to accept His will for us if it does not include healing. Thanks so much for any prayers presented before His throne on our behalf. Joy and Baby Butter
I'm praying Joy.....God...may you just rest Your Hand of peace upon your daughter right now...and her husband...provide them with access to the tests that they need in Your timing...and God we do ask for complete and total healing for both of them. You are the perfect physician and we ask that you would heal both of them completely and fully. But God, most importantly, we pray that you would be their hope, their strength, and their physician. May they know and accept whatever your will is for them both. In Christ's precious name.......
Thanks so much for the beautiful prayer, Alicia. We appreciate it soooo much!!! Joy and family
beautifully stated Alicia, brought tears to my eyes....Joy I am praying for you and your husband also.
Joy, you and your husband are in my prayers, too. Keep us posted. God bless-Wynne
Absolutely, y'all are added on my prayer list :)
I would appreciate a prayer today. Wylie swallowed a Christmas ornament hook today. Like many people, we are tight on cash this holiday season, so we don't need vet bills. Please pray that Wylie passes the hook today and doesn't require surgery.

I know there is power in prayer, so thank you! Have a blessed day!!
Hey Carissa, did Wylie passed the hook?


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