Hello all. I saw an article this morning that compelled me to make a committment to pray for this country and our new president. Though Obama was not my choice for president, obviously God has put him in this position according to His purpose. So I am committed to praying for him and this country. I also would like to urge all of us to do the same, though I'm sure many of you already are. I'd love to hear scripture references that might be great to pray in our prayers if anyone has them and areas of specific prayer we should pray for. I know that this article shows the struggle already happening over Rick Warren's inaugural prayer coming up! Please pray for him and that God would be honored and will hear his prayer on behalf of our president and country. Many fear what is ahead in 2009...but we as Christians, do not have to fear, but Trust in a Faithfull Father who loves us. :O) Sorry this post isn't about of beloved corgi's!!! Though my little Chloe is playing at my feet as I write this. Praise God for their ever optimisic spirits!