
Corgis Remembered

Post photos and memories of beloved corgis that are gone but never forgotten.

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30 year old photo - Rookie, w. baby Lindsay

Rookie loved Lindsay and was always there protecting her. I can't imagine ever worrying about how Rookie would react to the birth of Lindsay, our first baby. I also can't imagine keeping them apart. Prior to our babies, Rookie was always with me. No matter how late I'd be up working, he'd be right there with his regal head on my foot. He was incensed when we came home with a new Corgi, Maggie. Maggie was 14 wks. and Rookie was 6 mo. He tried every which way to keep from entering a room. When she persevered, he pushed her into our pool. Eventually they became inseparable best friends. But, Maggie never was devoted to the babies like Rookie. Maybe Rookie just kept them to himself.

Discussion Forum

Losing my best friend :-(

Started by Carolyn Pippin and Gambler. Last reply by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) Feb 15, 2012. 10 Replies

How do I ever get over losing my best friend? I had to make the awful decision to send her over The Bridge on Oct 10 2011. Still to this day I cry over losing her. I do have a new puppy coming Feb…Continue

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Comment by Bev Levy on February 12, 2012 at 9:36pm

Randy, Your story really touched me! My Sparty is 12 (13 in June) and is just recovering from surgery to remove a cancerous tumor. Their lives are so short but so incredibly special that we must withstand the pain in return for the wonderful time we had. Your best buddy will be over the Rainbow Bridge with our other furry family members waiting for you.

Comment by Darlene Hennessy on February 12, 2012 at 7:38pm

Randy, your pain is evident...and your love in your message shines through. May God comfort you at this time and Morgan will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. You were a great dad to him. My sympathies to you  and what a nice image of the Irises and your beloved Stinky Wink.

Comment by Denise Gilbert James on February 12, 2012 at 4:00pm

Randy, May God be with you and your family. I know how you feel, so do not think you are the only one. I lost Sugar, my Lab 2-2-11. She was 14 and my Corgis thought she was their Momma.  They were so sad, along with myself. I wrote her a poem and made her a movie. That helped my pain. It really scares me Labus is 10.  I dread that day, he is my boy.

God Bless you my friend!!

Comment by Mickey on February 12, 2012 at 3:25pm

Randy, we are so sorry for your loss. It is nice that you were with Morgan to the end - he is now waiting for you at Rainbow bridge. What a nice idea Doug has here - I'm going to do one for Sophie who went to Rainbow Bridge last November, Remember the happy smiles of Morgan sitting with the irises. What a lovely image that is.

Comment by Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug on February 12, 2012 at 3:19pm

Randy,  your love of your little pal comes is clear.   You have my sympathy for your loss.  I know you will treasure the years you and Morgan had together.  When your heart is ready you might consider putting together a little Corgi sized photo album of Morgan's life, it's a nice way to honor the love and joy he brought to your family and as the years roll by the album will let you re-live all the best times with him.

Comment by Randy DeJaynes on February 12, 2012 at 3:05pm

A week ago today (2/12/12) my beloved Morgan ("Stinky Wink") became very ill. He had been slowing down, but he would have been 12 in May, so I attributed it to old age--like myself. However, He had not eaten since Saturday morning and was not keeping down water. About noon I took him to the emergency vet. She did blood work and gave him a shot to stop his vomiting. We came home and he continued to feel bad. She called Monday morning and told me he had diabetes and we should go to our regular vet. When I got there the vet on duty said she had read the faxed reports and that they needed to do some more tests. She said he would be there 2-3 days. For the past five years, we had only been apart when I had heart surgery in 2010 and gall bladder surgery in 2011. But he was always at home with my wife. That was the very first time he had ever spent the night away from home. I went the next day to see how he was doing. The vet said there were several other problems that could probably be dealt with later. On Wednesday I called to see if he could come home. The vet said he had not yet eaten anything, although he had been drinking water. I told him that Stinky Wink did not like to eat if he was away from me, so he let him come home. He showed me how to inject insulin and said to inject him at 8 p.m., even if he didn't eat. We got through the first injection, even though he would not eat. I stayed next to him that night and about 4 a.m. Thursday he began very shallow, labored breathing. I called the vet and he said that maybe his blood sugar had dropped because of not eating and advised me to give him a little Karo syrup on his gums and wait a half hour. That didn't help and the labored breathing continued. I called back to the vet and he said to bring him in. As he lay next to me in the front seat of the car, I promised him that no matter what I would not leave him again and that one way or another he would be better when we left. I think I knew in my heart when we left the house that I would have to make that decision we all dread. The prognosis was not good and the vet was honest and said that it probably would not improve. They had gotten his thyroid results that morning and he said there was no thyroid function. I decided then I could not let him suffer any more. He had been too precious a friend to let him go on suffering. So the decision was made and I stayed with him to the end, as I promised, whispering in his ear and petting him as he breathed his last. I brought him home and we buried him in the back yard among the irises, where he loved to lie and keep an eye on his "domain." That was three days ago and the pain is still almost unbearable. I can see his grave from all the east windows of the house and it is a kind of comfort to know that he is there. He was my best friend for almost 12 years.

MORGAN "Stinky Wink"

27 May 2000--9 February 2012 our hearts forever


Comment by Bev Levy on February 12, 2012 at 8:31am

What a beauty she was!

Comment by Carolyn Pippin and Gambler on February 12, 2012 at 4:31am

Rest in Peace my sweet Scooter

March 31 2002 ~ October 10 2011

I miss you so much ~ You will always be in my heart.

Comment by Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack ) on November 9, 2011 at 11:32am

Her sweetness is so clear, and I can hear her quietly urging, "please get my leg unstuck, Doug...and then take the photo!" Hope you've become pals with my 2 guys that also had DM, Rookie and Dylan. Hugs to all.

Comment by ♥ Kobi, Angel Kazi & Kiya♥ on November 9, 2011 at 6:38am
I know all to well how you feel today :( I can not write to much because I am at work and I will start cry but someday we will all get to see our babies again ! Hugs from all your Corgi friends

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