I had a corgi for 14+ years that is waiting for me at the bridge. She was a jealous "MY MOM" kind of dog. I never added one with her, she would not have been happy. My corgi now, Lily, is very outgoing and not possessive. I'm considering another pup. I have never had two dogs. What are the pros and cons? Help me I'm scared, she wears me out, would 2 do me in?

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My first Corgi (female) was "an only child" and I think she preferred it that way. I now have 2 boys (both rescues)
who are 8 &1/2 and 5 &1/2 and they have been together for 5 years. They get along really well, play, wrestle, etc
and both are actually a little jealous when Mom pays attention to the other one. But I love having two. It's so much
fun for me and for them. If you have to walk one, may as well walk another one. It's double the food and double the
Vet bills but for me it is more than worth it. Twice the joy!
I got Bertie at 8 weeks and we are totally bonded at the hip -- he is with me all the time (I even work from home!). But he is very social and never showed an iota of jealousy when I played with or paid attention to other dogs, so when he was just over 3, I got Ethel Barrymore (his neice!). I'm very happy with two. Yes -- the vet bills do double, and then there's food, and Advantix, and Heartworm, etc. times 2. But they don't use twice my energy -- as Nancy says, you're walking one, why not two? And they really enjoy each other -- Ethel follows Bertie and wants to do whatever he does, they wrestle and play, and they seem to communicate to each other in funny little ways. And two little bunny butts are way more than twice as cute as one! I'm not quite as bonded to Ethel as I am to Bertie -- don't get me wrong, I adore both of them, but Ethel is very attached to Bertie and to me -- while Bertie is totally attached to me, and less so to Ethel, if that makes sense. But it was easy to introduce her into the house, and we adjusted quickly, and now I can't imagine not having 2. I'd like to have even more....but I'm controlling myself.
Thanks Susan and Nancy for your replies. I am actively looking for a brother for Lily. We are checking with the local rescue groups first. Your replies helped me make the decision. My sitter is against sitting two dogs, so will have to look for other arrangements. I think the benefit for Lily and the opportunity to give a rescue a good home far outweight the inconvience of finding a new sitter. Thanks again, your families look very happy!


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