North Carolina Corgi Picnic


North Carolina Corgi Picnic

This group is dedicated to the yearly NC Corgi Picnic for all Corgis and their families. The purpose is to get together and meet other people with corgis, raise funds for CorgiAid thru a silent auction, eat and have FUN

Members: 48
Latest Activity: Nov 12, 2013

Discussion Forum

Playdate Interest Level?

Started by Heather Black. Last reply by Taylor Mishoe Aug 13, 2012. 6 Replies

cary dog days of June

Started by Beauty and the Beast Jun 3, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by Shannon Hoffman on October 17, 2011 at 9:41am
Thanks to all who put together a great day of Corgi Fun! We had a wonderful time! Levi was just exhaused from playing with his brother and sisters. I enjoyed meeting everyone who came over to see the puppies! Levi slept and slept when we got home and needed an extra nap on Sunday too!!
Comment by Heather Black on October 17, 2011 at 9:28am
That looks all too familiar a pose!  Cabo snored in the car the entire ride home!
Comment by Roger/Laurie on October 16, 2011 at 6:19pm
This is the boys after getting home from the North Carolina Corgi Picnic
Comment by Roger/Laurie on October 16, 2011 at 6:18pm
Comment by Pamm Myers on August 26, 2011 at 10:08pm
Be sure to RSVP for the picnic by visiting and following the link for RSVP.
Comment by Roger/Laurie on August 25, 2011 at 6:01pm
My boys are already picking out what color scarfs they are going to wear at the corgi picnic the year
Comment by Pamm Myers on August 4, 2011 at 2:36pm

As stated earlier the 2011 picnic is being held at Teamworks (same place as last year) on Saturday, October 15 from 10 am to 3 pm. Set up will be on Friday evening and Saturday morning starting at 9 am, and clean up from 3 pm to 4 pm. We need volunteers to help with set up and clean up. Please call me (Pamm 919-803-7142) if you are willing to help. We will also need volunteers for various tasks during the picnic.

In an effort to send more of the money we raise this year to CorgiAid, we will be paying for the facility with volunteer hours to Teamworks. There will be several chances to volunteer between now and the picnic:
**The first opportunity is on August 20th at 8 am (for 1 hour) Teamworks (Michele Godlevski) is willing to pay us (with rental fee credit) $20 per hour, per person to do a trash pickup on their Adopt a Highway area. This is located on Capital Blvd (Highway 1) near the I540 interchange in Raleigh. We will meet at the Burger King on the corner of Old Wake Forest and Capital Blvd. (the NE corner of the intersection/ 1st intersection south of I540) You can contact me (Pamm at 919-803-7142) for more information and to sign up. All trash pickup supplies are provided by Teamworks. We will probably get together for an informal brunch afterward. The more people we can get to come to this event, the quicker we can raise the $310 needed for the facility rental.
**There are also 4 agility events coming up at Teamworks. Michele will credit us $10 per hour/ per person for volunteers to help out as ring crew. (NO experience necessary) You do not need to sign up ahead of time, just contact Michele at the site the day of the event. Keep track of your time and CALL PAMM (919-803-7142) with your hours (VERY IMPORTANT). There is no minimum time you have to work at one of these events. Any time you can donate is a help. Visit Teamworks at for directions or more info about agility events.

The events are:
USDAA Agility – September 9th – 11th from 9 am to 5 pm.
CPE Agility – September 17th -18th from 9 am to 3 pm
NADAC Agility- October 1st – 2nd from 9 am to 3 pm
AKC Agility- October 7th – 9th from 9 am to 3 pm

**Another way that several people have already done: you can donate already earned credits that you may have on the books with Teamworks. Again, it is VERY IMPORTANT to let Pamm know before the picnic, the date and hours worked that you want to donate.

In an effort to improve the donations fund raiser, we will be doing a ticket raffle. We will be selling strips of tickets for a flat rate that you can then use to enter for as many items as you want or to enter as often as you want for a specific item. You will be able to enter all day up until the drawings (to be held at approx. 1:30 pm) without having to remember to return to check on bids.

We would like to solicit businesses for donations as well as having people donate items as in previous year's silent auctions. We already have a few businesses that have donated good/services. If anyone can think of a business that you could ask for donations, please feel free and let us know ahead of time what you have as a donation. CorgiAid is sending me some brochures to take along when soliciting businesses, that tells about CorgiAid. If you would like to have some brochures to use to solicit donations please give me a call (919-803-7142)

Comment by Roger/Laurie on July 25, 2011 at 1:33pm

Looks like the NC Corgi Picnic will be held on October 15, 2011.  Same place as last year Teamworks Dog Training, Youngsville.  Hope everyone can come. 

Some of us are planning a local corgi get together in the Pinehurst area also. Probably in early November.  Check back for more info.

Comment by Roger/Laurie on July 1, 2011 at 11:26am

The big NC Corgi picnic is in Sept/Oct in the Chapel Hill/Raleigh area.  There should be more info later this summer it is a lot of fun, hope everyone can attend.

As far as small get togethers I would love to help organize and attend. Lets start talking.

Comment by Heather Black on June 27, 2011 at 10:00pm
Is anyone planning the 2011 picnic?  If not, is anyone interested in forming a small group to try and plan something?  I don't know that I can organize something quite as elaborate as what I attended last year (I have only attended once), but I would be willing to help coordinate something if others are willing to help.  I'd hate to not have a picnic this year.  :(

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