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Comment by vicky hyde on January 28, 2011 at 11:22am
not much happening here in green bay. almost everyone is getting ready for the superbowl. sorry to say, the packers went and beat my team, the bears. also waiting for the new snow storm that is suppose to hit us sometime this afternoon, but nothing like the east is getting. wonder what's going on in california. apparently, mr. hank is taking a break from the show ring. probably enjoying, what is that called-------oh yeah, warm weather, no white stuff on the ground. decided not to do the rock island shows, but am going to waterloo and marshalltown instead. it will be interesting to see if francine is any better at judging corgis out here than what we suffered thru out west. i have to give her this, though, she is a very nice lady. never saw any crappiness from her personality wise. that's all here. have a good one.
Comment by Cindy on January 28, 2011 at 9:54am
Okay, Shelley already knows this, but man, I'm bored and boy is it quiet all over the place.  So what's up?????  
Comment by shelley power on January 24, 2011 at 4:41pm
and can totally agree with spring.summer litter... in Minnesota aka the great frozen north, would have pupsicles .. young pups cant go out here in winter however the older ones just love all the snow !!!!
Comment by shelley power on January 24, 2011 at 4:40pm

hahahahah I am not gonna take odds on that one*BITING LIP** LOL cos lots of things at foggybottom tend to be BIG:)  like kids, clydes etc.... HAHAHAHAHA

 besides everything is better in dozens isnt it??? LOL Just kidding LOL

Comment by Cindy on January 24, 2011 at 3:40pm
Actually we weren't going to do this after chaos of the Dirty Dozen but then sensiblity got to me--why wait and do a winter litter?  I hate doing those, much prefer the summer ones where they can run and race around the grass and keep the mess mostly outside. Plus, what would be the odds that I get another dozen??? knock on wood...
Comment by Cindy on January 24, 2011 at 10:23am

Yeap, one for sure that--that litter is all spoken for plus some.  People have been waiting for a year for me to decide when to do this one--Eddie x Merlot.  My first blue litter!   Waiting for some test results to come back right now.  Of course everyone wants a blue dog just like Eddie :)  With my luck it will be a litter of b/w girls--which is what I want out of this all. 

Shelley and I are working on something else, just need a few things to fall into place.

Comment by vicky hyde on January 21, 2011 at 5:17pm
thanks for the info. for some reason, i never think about popping over to the AKC page. unless i have heard horror stories, i don't mind going under a new judge. it can be kind of interesting. i agree about the "DO NOT SHOW UNDER" list and also agree with the would drive hundreds of miles for certain judges. are we planning on possible having the patter of little feet and waggy little tails? cool.
Comment by Cindy on January 21, 2011 at 4:44pm

Malony-in cardigans perfers blue dogs.

Waterloo-have to go to to the events page.  Judges are Doug Taylor, though mentored by a cardigan breeder, really doesn't like judging corgis and won't use one in group. Sunday is Danielle Brown-pem breeder and I like her but no idea what she will do in cardigans.  Pems, I've liked what she put up.  Took a super nice major win with a smooth collie under her one time.

Rock Island-Clem-very very wishy washy.  Same dogs different day, will have totally different results. But both breeds have provisionals the following day and I just don't know about them at all. 


Between Alec's handling and our many years of showing, we're getting pretty good at knowing what judge will do what with what type of dog.  That's when you start playing the judging game.  I have my list of DNS and some I will drive hundred's of miles to show to. 

Comment by vicky hyde on January 21, 2011 at 4:01pm
well, what i have seen so far for judges hasn't really impressed me to the hilt, but joker is just starting out and even if he can just pick up a single here or there, i'll be happy. most of these show's i'm planning so far are real small, which for a starting dog, i don't have a problem with. there are soooo many new judge names out there it's worth taking a chance to see what will happen. i really like james maloney (DE WITT show). jack went under him 3 times- 1st time was winner's, 2nd time- reserve, with a mention that had the dog behaved better, he would have done better and the last time, he put him best of breed. to my knowledge, the maloneys have gotten out of corgi's, but that i heard i believe last year or the year before. but he always seemed very nice and i liked the way he was with the dogs. the judges for waterloo- i have NO idea, never heard of them. i don't know who's judging rock island yet- can't find anything on onofrio or info-dog. there is a UKC show weekend in amana that falls between marshalltown and rock island. might consider this since i'll be at sandy's.hopefully they will have a veterns class and i'll throw the old fart in there. he always had fun showing. and candace- shreve usually does look pee'oed most of the time. first time i ever showed unde him was the very first show i ever handled the collie at. he gave us best of winners and told me the dog needded training. so i explained that it was my first time handling him and he acted like it didn't matter- train that dog. it was the second time i showed the collie under him that he pulled a shitty. and that was the last time i shaowed to him. jack went with a handler under shreve and i believe pulled a best of winners. but, i still don't think i'll show to him again. well, you all take care.
Comment by Wind Dial on January 21, 2011 at 12:26pm
Shreve was the judge I showed under at my first ever AKC show so maybe I was under more pressure and a little more critical but I could have swore he looked pee'od the entire day.  It was rather intimidating at the the time. It was still a fun weekend as I went with a Labrador friend who'd also never shown AKC before so it was a crazy learning experience for the both of us.  As soon as we got there, Coalbee jerked out of my hand, went running across the fairgrounds through a huge mud hole of the darkest stinkiest mud you could ever imagine, I follow him through it and loose my flip flop that I never seen again.  He finally stopped to pee on a telephone pole and I snuck up on him and caught him with a flip flop on one foot and a coating of sludge on the other and him also thoroughly coated in sludge. What a way to start the weekend.  Crazy but we were laughing so hard.

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