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Comment by Wind Dial on July 1, 2010 at 7:22pm
I have noticed a drop in overall entries in the breeds across all shows that I might have gone to. Probably getting married sometime within the next year or so and have a lot of logistics to work out with moving all my dogs and stuff so I am going to be scarce at the shows for a bit but DO plan to jump back in. Sort of why I might be summoning a handler to do some work while I'm sidelined with life. I admit, I have been one of those no shows a few times this year just because I just couldn't work it in with everything else going on. But it wasn't because of politics I can guarantee you that. They weren't majors either.
Comment by shelley power on July 1, 2010 at 6:39pm
oh well thats true too vicky, I hadnt thought of that , Ms WIlliams probably only had to go into the BOB and group with that an affair to remember pem ... so she prob wouldnt have had to be in the reg classes with her? We onlt saw her in the group ring with her.. and only there on saturday.. didnt have a show catalog until we got to the show..
but still there is really no good reason for such a radical no show .. It was brutally hot the entire weekend there and the dogs were all shoowing signs of heat....
In any case no real good excuse for and surely no good for people who did intend to have no real competition.. I will look at future shows I enter with different eyes.. cant really go by entries from past year... they dont really reflect the absents and pulls. Hope there is a good show of pems in duluth:)
Comment by shelley power on July 1, 2010 at 1:15pm
yes to you all I agree is what I have observed.. was just shocked to see it in cambridge almost the entire entry w/d absent.. I was not dis'n Linda... or "handlers at all... I didnt mean it was because "Linda" was there per say , I just , well looking for a reason for such unsporting behavior,. my thought was.. maybe... ( pemmies, cos I dont know what else she is winning as much with right now) was precicely because she has been so super successful with this little pem bitch "an affair to remember" she is really winning all over with her, as a ( rather stupid reason in my oppinion) that others w/d rather than lose to her . What the hell does a win mean if you have no competion? I still think its crap even as I understand mult entries etc getting a major etc...
I think maybe shows should close further out and supers should send or at least post entries prior to show and give people an option to pull , w/d up to day before show online somehow so people who are paying handlers , and /or all the travel and what not to get to aparticular show to finish, major, etc a dog could check on and would know what the counts are and be better prepared choosing which shows to attend .. I mean with multiple shows on a given weekend, its always going to be somewhat of a crapshoot on who attends...or is even entered.. but at least with a system you could check and formally withdraw if numbers better elsewhere for your program.. and as there is a deadline for entry there should be a deadline for W/D. there is a place for smaller shows.. people /dogs need experience etc..... ( ya ya I know thats what sanctioned matches are for ahahahah)
Look , some of you have a regular dog business if you will and are showing in a much more professional role than I at this point. I have watched a lot of folks in different breeds looking for points or need just this or that, and mult entry , best friend back east with cairns, for example, would handle some and send handler to the better shows( for them) never this just absent without letting notice... but there again show circuit back east a whole different bird, lots more shows to pick from etc..... any how just wanted to say I have nothing but good observations of both Lindas in the ring, WIlliams and Brooks) and tho never formally met, both seemed very professional and cordial:) both were a pleasure to watch with their dogs ion the ring so probably would be great to be in the ring with.. I assume a dogs they would handle would be good competition:)
And they may both be in Duluth.
as for mult entries, I think good strategy for those who need specific things out of a particular show etc but like Wind dial and Vicky and cindy say, communicate! I even at this level dont enjoy going and taking my dog to a show where I am the only DOG.I mean any point or points will be a thrill when your dog is just beginn ing, but no competition no points .. unless you you get pulled over 5-6 bitches in the class..and a judge who on that day prefers the girls..
Oh well, although I will be doing SOME traveling this summer, I have friends nearby and dont have the expenses some of you have showing when shows go this way:((( hope this is not the case in Duluth, albert lea and lake elmo ..BTW so you shouild all shake in yer boots, Spunky will be attending , :) HOPEFULLY) hahahahahahahahahahaahha
so botom line I guess all those words to say I agree totally with Y'all LOLOL
And I may be dissappointed this summer but depending on how he does , next year is when I will really need shows with dogs..
Comment by Wind Dial on July 1, 2010 at 12:15pm
Vicky, you and I think a lot alike. Showing dogs particularly AKC I agree is not for the faint of heart and you have to have thick skin sometimes when it comes to the ones who don't like to play nice. Thats alright by me, they can treat me like doo doo if they wish, I'm not about to let them run me off and intimidate me. I havn't been showing that much lately due to some other plans that have been taking place in my life but plan to get back to once things settle down. But my mom however, with her Frenchies has gotten some flack from a well known Frenchie handler and his "groupies". Telling other people "that dog ain't worth xxxx" I know this is off the topic of breaking majors but it all goes back to the attitudes that contribute to it. I also know Linda W., she has handled for me and will probably handle in the future and I really don't think she plays into the drama quite like the others do. Sort of why I like her. She also is HIRED to show dogs for others in other breeds and she has to pretty much show up and show those dogs unless the owner of one doesn't want it shown there but the rest of them still need shown. She has a Frenchie of my moms right now and he gets shown regardless of what the Pemmie numbers are so it's not like she can just "no show". She doesn't show, she don't get paid. Linda also knows how to make them look good. Sometimes the dog may not be that much better than the next but it's attention to detail and how well the dog is presented which we all know makes a difference. I could hop around on this subject all day but I don't have that much time this afternoon but Vicky I agree with about everything you said I only wish I lived closer to you and Sandy and we meet up at some shows together.
Comment by vicky hyde on July 1, 2010 at 11:30am
you have a great point there about the major thing, but i'm thinking this isn't why. way too many no-shows. i know that if i had entered and had that huge drive and motel expenses and gas expense, and had gotten there to find out the huge majority of entered dogs had decided to pull, i would really have been mad. and shelley, it's not because linda was there. she wasn't handling in the regular classes that i saw, unless she handled from ringside for someone. ususally when you have a handler on your dog, when you send in entries, you also list any handler if you have one, so that handler is listed in the catalog. some times, people will hire a handler for the day at ringside, as i call it. when i was back west showing, we were at a 4 dayer in idaho and one of the bull dog people hired a top[ handler at the show because his male needed one point to finish. we all gave him crap only because the dog loved and adored his wife and would have shown so much better for her than the handler (we had seen her showing him before) (that dog would have turned himself inside out for her). the handler did get the point but i believe that the bully bitch i was showing went best of winners over the male. so, this guy probably paid $75.00-$100.00 bucks for that last point. he made the decision last minute which worked out for him, but like i said, his wife could have done it for free. like i told you, i don't have a problem with getting a handler. they have all the facts that i don't, even though i have learned some of the judges likes and dislikes over the years. also, there was one judge that i would show under because i really liked her. i won only once under her, but i kept going back because i liked her all around judging. i knew one day i would show the right dog to her and win. and cindy is right about the communication between showers. seems the pemmie people don't have it unless you are in their "little groups" and it's not just here that i have noticed that. went to a huge 4 day show weekend in pamona. calif. and we knew who waas going to win in the corgi ring everyday before we showed. heck, on the 3rd day, i had my bitch i was showing on the table and the judge didn't even touch her. the judge put up a bitch that looked like she was black/tan with no white. if she had any white, it was so small you couldn't see it unless you were on top of the dog. needless to say, i pulled her the last day. the 3 days i showed, nobody even talked to me. the 4th day when i didn't show up, one of the ladies had seen me and asked why i wasn't there. i told her i had a conflict with the bully ring. she told me her son would have shown my dog for me. yuk!! they act like you don't exist, then turn around and say something like that. there's just something about pemmie people. i don't care one way or the other. i will be as helpful as i can if asked and sometimes i will even go out of my way to offer help. dog shows are for the strong of heart and those that have guts. it also can be so much fun when you finally find the right people. you look forward to the shows and like cindy said, you need to communicate. that's a huge word we need to practice. have a good day. jack and i are heading down to illinois today. this is the trip i was suppose to have taken last week, but something came up and i postponed it. will be checking my e-mail every day though. take care.
Comment by Cindy on July 1, 2010 at 10:12am
This can be a big issue--entries, showing up and points.

Here's what can happen-first off dogs might only need majors. If it's not majors, then many times they just won't come. Or they need majors and it made them but knowing a dog finished a week or two ago and wouldn't be attending, breaking the major, so the others don't come up.

I've been on all sides of this. Made a major but dog finished. You get asked to hold the major, attend and win - then they are mad at you for winning. I go in to the ring to win every time, even if I don't need to. Or think it's majors, ends up not being for what ever reason-I might show if the dog just needs the experience or pull to save myself the time and money of attending. BUT--I always let people know if I'm not attending.

Oh so many reasons and truely a big contention with the cardigan people in the midwest right now-communication! Knowing many dogs need just majors and the lack of communication with a select few owners, well, serves no purpose at all. Tending to find out that those not communicating have ego issues and it serves no good purpose at all. I mean up in MN this last weekend, we knew it would not be majors, I'm not hunting them at this point so it didn't matter to me-we were avoiding a judge and a sure win dog(he did end up taking BIS) and figured our money was better spent up north. Now if some owners had entered, we would have had a major on one, if not two days.
In Iowa City, it was short a major by one dog and I think 2 bitches-my one bitch entry would not have helped but we all communicated enough that we knew we were close but factoring in the unknowns that refuse to communicate, we go on what we know.

So it comes down to yourself. Don't worry about the others. Be the better person and communicate where you are going, what you are entering if asked and if you can't make it, let people know why.
Comment by shelley power on June 30, 2010 at 5:13pm
can you know who and with what dog is entered before you actually get there?? I didnt think so.. ( unless you know personally someone else going) but you might be right about someone else entered scaring the others off... becasue Linda WIlliams has been sweeping the shows of late with that "an affair to remember " bitch... I see the name everywhere I look and she got gch at cambridge... so
Wish I could work out what it is about that little dog that makes it such a dramatic other words what makes it so much better than the rest except there really wasnt any "the rest" to judge against in Cambridge apparently it looks like there was only one other bitch in any given class with her...
Comment by shelley power on June 30, 2010 at 5:00pm
wow vicky whats up with that?I just looked a tthe results.out of 20 some pems entered only three actually showed up for their classes??? and Linda Williams had the "an affair to remember" bitch, and Linda brooks had a puppy in 12-18 mos and one in open bitches... all three days all w/d or Absent ...... who the hell would do that???? I wasnt there for breed ring on saturday so had no idea none of them showed up? good grief? so what .they go all the way there and just dont show up in the ring??
Comment by vicky hyde on June 30, 2010 at 3:51pm
oops!!!!! wrong spelling on the state. sorry!!!!!
Comment by vicky hyde on June 30, 2010 at 3:51pm
what the heck happened to the pemmie entry at the minnisota shows????? that is just awful when i went to check the results. i really truely wish that the people that enter and then don't show up, in the future, save your money and don't enter at all. i think that pulling crap like that is so childish. i can understand one, maybe two people not able to make the show because something else came up, but almost the whole entry???? this is suppose to be a sport and to pull something like that is not right. majors are hard enough to find, heck, sometimes any point is hard to find. what, did smeone enter that scared all these others off???? don't think so. did these dogs all need more than what was entered for points???? i don't think so. this was just an out-and-out display of bull. and people wonder why the shows are getting the way they are. i know some people enter more than one set of shows and go where the bigger points are, but come on. from this entry, the points would have been nice. it's pure crap. if you want to boycott certain judges, just don't enter under them. no wonder more and more people are seeking other avenues for showing. when i see this, and i check out almost every result, no matter where, it makes me sick to see so called adults doing this sort of crap. it's happened at other shows also and that has raised my pressure. i especially like it when they enter, boycott the judge the first day and then everyone makes it the second day. pure crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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