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Comment by shelley power on June 28, 2010 at 10:34am
Cindy thats a good one for the discussion "you know your a corgi lover if..."
your lic plates change according to what they do at the show! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Comment by shelley power on June 28, 2010 at 10:33am
awwwwwwww HOW COOL!!! SO excited for you. Cindy.. sheez maybe in 10 or so years I can be showing such great dogs hahahahah Iam gonna try to do it the hard way from ground up so to speak..CH them then go from generation one... OH cannot wait to see the new pups after meeting the two you had at the show. You need to take a short video clip of them with the ducks LOL
OH and BTW these things we carry round are called cell phones NOT typewriters hahahaha I keep telling people that :) Hate txting! yeh deserve new lic plates hahahahaha
Comment by Cindy on June 28, 2010 at 10:21am
I was texting, okay, Alec was texting for me, to Cindy B after we got word of Picasso's BIS and giving her a hard time that she's got to go out and get new license plates now. Her current on sayd GRP1CWC, now she can have BIS CWC.

I'm actually thrilled to have one of Picasso's kids. Eddie might be hairy(and very muddy in the picture to the left) plus a pain in the rear(way too similar personality to his dad) but he's structurally one of the best dogs I have. We are planning a future breeding of Eddie to our little b/w girl Merlot, who by chance is a daughter of Emily's other great blue cardigan, Sulley aka multiple group winner, AOM CH Cardidream's Blue Sullivan. Combining two great lines and two great dogs.

But that's not the breeding we are doing right now. As soon as I can confirm it's taken, I'll let everyone know the sire and dam.

Marg is now officially retired, done, no more shows. Maybe I might drag her out of one more brood bitch class in 2012 but that's it. She quickly changed out of her "show clothes" and was wet and muddy when I rolled in the drive way.Very pleased with herself. Pete followed suit and was filthy within 2 mins of arriving home. Tonight Marg gets a big treat and can harass the ducks-in the pen- for a few minutes. Then I think it's steak for her tonight. I was just too tired to do anything when I got home.
Comment by shelley power on June 28, 2010 at 2:32am
oh its joker thats at the show???boy I am tired cant think straight lol
Comment by shelley power on June 28, 2010 at 2:30am
oh cindy, yay for peterman!! and glad you all got home safe. ! Great meeting you all and hope to do it again soon! Love her and her uncle soooooooo cute.... congrats to all the kids on their accomplishments....... OMG I better not see the coming pups:( I will want them all:)))))) I had hoped to go back down today with a gal that shows poms but was so upset over the deer last night I didnt sleep all night so stayed home and swam Spunk twice today. We are really trying to do some last minute "slimming" before Duluth.. Its a fine line.. his injury has healed well and he is sound but vet wants activity restricted and and limited to non concussion like swimming as therapy to get the muscles around the disk he pinched strengthened after having been kept fairly immobile while healing and decreasing inflammation. I may still have to do some chiropractic therapy but vets thinks if I keep up the swimming for the next month or so she would prefer that to the chiropracter. so we are swimming about the equivalent of about1 1/2 miles2x /day. about an hour of out and back after a tennis ball in the water twice a day Hard to measure exactly in a lake but close anyhow. 80 throws of the ball :) about 50 yards out and back so just about a mile and a half. No stress and he loves to swim and is a tired boy at night. He has gotten so he just stays out there and doggie treads water waiting for me to throw the ball again so funny!.have also cut rations by about 1/4 and limit treats to carrots and green beans.Amazing how quickly a corgi can put on weight with limiting normal activity. So that was my day today and still cant get the sound of the impact of that deer out of my head GAWD.. Going to invest in deer warners for penneys truck:(
Vicky how did Jack do today??
Comment by Teresa Kannard on June 28, 2010 at 1:12am
Congradulations Cindy!
Also a big Congradulations to Emily Banaszak for Ch Beaszak's Blue Nude getting his first BEST IN SHOW!!!! IT was awesome to see! The first cardigan I have ever see get a Best in Show!
Comment by Cindy on June 27, 2010 at 11:28pm
Got home a few hours ago. LONG DAY of driving. Today in Cambridge was, well, phttttttt. Ella, Kim's b/w girl took WB though. The first part of the weekend....Peterman da puppy took WB/BOS on Thursday for a point(out of BBE), Friday she took WB and her uncle Russ took BOB. Saturday she was RWB but best bred by and Uncle Russ took BOB again. Today was Ella's turn and that's all she wrote.

BUT>>>>>> down in Iowa City our Margie did us proud!!! Yesterday, nothing. Today she was WB wtht Kerri Carter handling and then my hubby had to pinch hit and took her back in for BOB and came out with BOW!!!! That gives her her last 2 points for her CHAMPIONSHIP. It's been a long haul with her-massive injury that was almost life ending. Then to the whelping box for two outstanding litters and then back to the ring at age 5 to find her last 3 singles. My son's pride and joy and he's so tickled that she's finally done---she hates showing.

Let's see, oh, our blue dog--the one in my profile picture, Eddie......his dad, Picasso was BIS TODAY!!!! down at Iowa City. I cant' be happier to have not only one of his kids, but his only champion to date. and performance titled too.

Hey, Shelly, ouch on the deet. We almost lost it on Hwy 63 in Iowa on the way home. Idiot was passing a large truck and almost imploded the car in front of us. Talke about heart stopping. Eeek. Great too see you up there--it's so fun to run into people you only know from online.

Oh and forgot, cross your fingers and we hopefully will hear the pitter patter of little corgi paws the first part of September.

Okay kiddos. More later, I need to hit the hay, work tomorrow.
Comment by vicky hyde on June 27, 2010 at 7:12pm
you just never know what you are going to find on the road. hey cindy, how did you guys do this weekend? joker went best of opp. both days, no points but sandy said he showed well. let's us know how you did.
Comment by shelley power on June 27, 2010 at 6:30pm
When I was quite young back east and just driving a swerved to avoid of all things a pony and I ended up in the ditch and he just got knocked over like a cartoon clip rolled over back to feet and took off jumped back over barbed wire fence and the farmer who pulled me outta the ditch says home to cry to momma again little bugger apparently gets out everytime they left him out for the night on a cool summer night. and would come home via driveway next morning. It was comical that the farmer knew exactly what pony I was going on about and I had spent nearly till dawn trying to find him. I was so upset, but by the time I actually came in contact with him ( or rather his rather fat tummy) I was almost stopped and in the ditch, just barely touched him and knocked him over like a cow tip! HAHAHAHA and in a blink he righted himself and took off! I was young and sure I had killed this poor pony but the farmer assured me he was already back home fed and napping from his night on the town!
Comment by shelley power on June 27, 2010 at 6:22pm
I have never hit a deer , and I hunt and love venison.. but highways are not a fair playing field. in the woods the deer win more time than not and if I get a deer I have entered its world at a disadvantage and only if I am skilled and out wit it do I succeed. But on the road they dont have a chance. I am lucky I have never hit one driving I use ultrasonic deer whistle warners whcih make them take notice and move well in time for me to notice and take corrective action. Penny didnt have warners except me saying calmly... deer.!. then its reaction time and deer frame of mind. my warning didnt register in time for her to do anything really the deer was just steps from impact and it is a sickening feeling such that I was still so upset that I didnt call Jane ( a gal that was going back for the show today ) to go along to watch again as I wanted to. We would have taken the deer for meat if it had not been such a traumatic impact. We left it for other animals to eat as the meat would have been ruined by the trauma caused by impact.. In a lot of cases when a deer is killed you can call dnr and they will come tag it and you can take it for meat... but the where and how this one was hit .. would have rendered the most of the meat useless for humans, so we didnt even call the cops it was out of the road , ending up in the ditch from which it had bounded out. with all the coyotes and wolves here it will not be wasted . even bald eagles will eat deer killed on the road. Just before it ran out Penney had commented that the stretch of road we were now on was called deer suicide alley... seconds later I saw the deer bound out right in our path.. it is really sad , all these roads werent always here foro them to cross.It will be a long time before I get the sound of the impact out of my brain, and more than slowing down and taking care.. where I live there are just places we do not travel at certain times of day or night.. certain roads etc.. you dont really think about it, we just plan travel around "deer time" its weird I know but, have Rob a new driver so now telling him , you just DONT GO THERE THEN>> funny back east you planned around traffic jams here we do travel planning of any distance out of town around deer traffic.and still there is the odd chance of hitting a deer but I have lived here 12 years and never hit one..This makes the 5th deer Penny has hit..sheez is it the vehicle?? or horrid luck?? Felt so bad for her...
We werent worried for the deer it landed off the road and was certainly dead on impact. Didnt run off anywhere, as sometimes happens..

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