
Show Friends

A group for members who show their dogs in conformation, or for members who are interested and want to learn more about showing. Be sure to brag about your wins!

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Comment by shelley power on May 23, 2010 at 4:59pm
He is well on the road and showing no sign of limping now but we are still keeping him relatively quiet for the next couple weeks as he has been for over a month,, didnt want to take any chances and make sure all heals properly:)
Comment by shelley power on May 23, 2010 at 4:56pm
speaking of body type changes, long backed dogs even as sturdy as Spunky can easily be injured:( Spunky has recently pinched a disc in his back, doing we don't know what FRAPPING at crazy speeds , so has beed restricted from most activity except short walks for the time being , and after a ton of xrays and mri determined he didnt come with this , he somehow injured himself doing something completely out of the ordinary, I suspect running the fenceline at dogpark and maybe colliding with another dog ( or tree?) Vet says should heal just fine with time and rest, nothing broken or permanently damaged.. But you can imagine trying to keep a corgi quiet hahahahahahahah
Comment by shelley power on May 23, 2010 at 4:48pm
Hey we think Spunky is BEAUTIFUL :) And I really think he "looks" big as so many of the other pems we have seen showing seem to at the very small end of the breed standard, which I suppose like a lot of small breed dogs in all the fashion, these days, as smaller more portable dogs seem to be in demand especially in some of the more urban areas, but I did some research into past winning corgis, and over the years the body type that wins has changed , mostly what I can see from photos, seems to be these working cattle dogs have become shorter legged, longer bodied, and altogether a smaller dog than those that came before. And so... I see good and bad in that, I still am amazed at how well the most petite ( balanced all around) but smaller package dogs are doing in the ring, so may be an uphill battle to get Spunk recognized at his size. Mind you he is within breed standard for height length and weight ( usually) and all in good proportion, but.. we will see. wouldnt be the first time an unknown and different bird got put up:))))
Comment by shelley power on May 23, 2010 at 4:33pm
Not a vikings fan myself:( just wish he would make up his mind play or retire ..and go to spring training like all the others!! I am a transplant from back east so Patriots, Giants, Celts, Bruins and alltime fav REDSOX!! Do enjoy the vikings/cheesehead rivalry tho , very amusing round these parts.
I believe was jon Cole Spunky had in Duluth last year.. Will have to keep a record... Where are you now? Not in Green Bay? I am going to try to do some shows upcoming in the Duluth/Minneapolis/St PAul area that are fairly easy for us to get to. I will have to see where in Iowa this show is, but probably farther than I can easily get to. I will look up the shows I am considering entering him in for June /July and look up who the judges will be. Duluth was his first show and we havent shown again over last fall or winter as I have been busy trying to get my business open and running. Should be finishing that up in the next few weeks, so looking forward to working long hours weekdays and having weekends to show. I had no clue what Spunky would do in a show environment at a year and a half, even with all the training and table work, gaiting etc, he had never been in such a loud busy environment. Nor handled by a judge.. so I was ready for whatever came hahahahahaah As it turned out he was one of the best behaved, albeit a bit too anxious on the up and back.. Judge would have preferred a bit slower.. all in all I was thrilled at Spunks attitude, he obviously loved being there, showing off, stacking like LOOK AT ME ! But youthful inexperience, a bit too prancy on the up and back , and seemed a bit confused at times during the all the way around.. So we have enlisted dog friends and practiced gaiting in the go around alone and with other dogs in a line. I think he just wasnt sure what I wanted, so a bit rammy. all in all I think he loved the whole experience which was really important to me. We like the sport and are not into finishing to ensure others want to breed or buy, we are just interested in seeing him prove what he can do . we have purchased an appropriate female who will be 2 in july, but may not reach show potential. her dam produced a number of great looking show pups, so we are confident the pairing will bring out the best in both dogs. Waiting on final ofa's and cerfs and genetic stuff to come back before we make a final decision to breed a litter.Would love to have a pup to start from puppy age both Spunk and Mika 6 and 9 months when we got them. Neither had been shown. Spunks breeders had ceased showing years ago but daughter continued.. Mikas breeder kept her out as a prospect but was looking for her to be at the bigger end of the standard for breeding to a smaller stunning male.. In the end she decided she was not the match for her male , but we think she will be a great cmpliment to Spunky's attributes. So neither were started as pups and I didnt consider showing untill they were well assimilated into our home and family. So there ya have it:) Thats where we newbies are at at present:)
We are not looking to breed to sell, rather , we thought Spunky such a stunning breed type although at the top end for size, that it would be a shame not to find an appropriate mate and see if we could improve upon it and have a pup to start from the beginning, If not, their structure and temperaments will surely produce wonderful pems and we will enjoy raising the pups and seeing they get only the best homes.. There is surely more to a well bred pem than the show ring:)
Comment by vicky hyde on May 23, 2010 at 3:56pm
it's not the weight that matters unless they are too much or too skinney. i know what the standard say's but you really have to go with how your dog is built. if jack weighed 27 lbs, i would be reported for starving my dog. a really good friend determined the size of her dogs by weight. it took a little bit, but i finally convinced her you go by height. the standard calls for 10" to 12". mr.bill is cute and it looks like he's in a show ring. what's his story? vicky
Comment by Mary & Mr Bill on May 23, 2010 at 3:41pm
Boy Spunky sure looks like Mr Bill, but Bill never got past 22 lbs!! Way too small for show, so now on to agility! Best of luck to you!
Comment by vicky hyde on May 23, 2010 at 3:32pm
hi shelly, so, how do you like have brett as a viking. think he'll come back. i was born and raised in green bay, but some how i turned out to be a chicago fan, bears and cubbies. i think it has something to do with animals. anyway, jack has done well under these judges: helen miller fisher, don booxbaum,m. canestrini, jon cole(love him), and j. maloney. jack has been under maloney 3 times, winner's dog, reserve winner's(with a statement that if he would have behaved better, he would have done better) and a best of breed. i can't find my other list. it's here somewhere. i will be going to the show in iowa at the end of june. have joker entered. jack gets to sit this one out. i have 2 judges i know absolutly nothing about. it will be interesting. this will be my first time showing since i got sick. and it will be the first time i show joker. take care. let me know when you are doing shows and who your judges are before you enter. i might know something about them and can help you in that aspect. take care and keep spunky out this heat if your having what we are having. 80's. yuk!!! vicky
Comment by shelley power on May 22, 2010 at 11:28pm
Yes we live in Minnesota.
Comment by vicky hyde on May 16, 2010 at 6:33pm
jack is probably the same height, more bone than a lot of them, short on the leg, but i think the last time jack saw 30lbs, he was 10 months old. he has a slight food problem. he loves it all. doesn't care what it is, he will eat it. i know what you mean by tiny dogs. to me, tri's have always seem a bit smaller, but it seems to be running that way in the reds also. they seem to be getting too small. i had one ukc. judge tell me jack was too big to do what he was bred for. he herds birds and bugs just fine. he hasn't the foogiest idea what sheep are. knowing him, he would snuggle up thinking they were a blanket. are you showing akc only or are you doing the ukc show stuff also. ia also take it, you are a minnesota resident. i'm down in green bay. i bred jack to a bitch that is within standard, not too big, not too small and the boys are in standard. like i said, joker is 11" and i believe his brother, jinx, ia approx. 11 1/2". will start looking for those judges. take care. vicky
Comment by shelley power on May 16, 2010 at 6:02pm
thanks Vicki,
Spunky is all of 12 inches at the withers and exactly 40% longer from withers to tail base than from withers to floor so he is technically within breed standard ( except maybe for weight.... he runs a bit over 30 seasonally, but we will just see. I dont know why I am seeing such tiny dogs at the shows, barely make 10" so petite... but they seem to win consistently. I just purchased a female tri who is going to be at the small end of the standard.. Am hoping to breed her to Spunky first heat after July( she turns 2 in July) and attempt to get the build of both and maybe a more midline size in the pups. Who knows we are just beginning. We went looking for a female for Spunky becasue he turned out to be such a stunning example albeit larger than the current trend, and the female will fill out some , but seems she will remain at the small end of the standard. Like Spunky, she is well built and all round so we will see. I Its all fun and for the love of the breed for us not about selling pups. Showing is fun , and far more people just have pets than show, and we think pets should be shining examples of the breed as well.

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