
Show Friends

A group for members who show their dogs in conformation, or for members who are interested and want to learn more about showing. Be sure to brag about your wins!

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Started by Ein Danger. Last reply by Mike & Debbie Burk Aug 17, 2010. 11 Replies

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Started by Karen. Last reply by Melissa S. Apr 15, 2010. 9 Replies

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Comment by Cindy on January 12, 2011 at 4:05pm

2 growing kids, the husband and me.  Thank God the middle child is already out of the house.  I'd be in the poor house for sure.

Comment by Cindy on January 12, 2011 at 4:03pm
Comment by vicky hyde on January 12, 2011 at 3:42pm
corgi's may be able to eat less than kids, but i don't think they think that way. jack would eat and eat and eat if given the chance. i have always had a weight problem with him. cindy-went to check out the link you included and it came up as http// can't find. and i would shoot myself if i had to cook the great amount of food at a time. last time i made chili, i ended up freezing some of it and bringing some over to a friend of mine. but, i do love chili. when i go out for breakfast, i almost always order chili to go with my eggs.
Comment by Cindy on January 12, 2011 at 3:25pm

For our fellow pemmie friends, though I would give a little visual.  Joanna over at Ruffly Speaking aka Black Sheep Cardigans, went to the Yankee Cardigan weekend last fall and brought back some awesome photos and descriptions of what she learned from Paula O'Donnell.  And relative to what we are chatting about here, fronts in puppies and dogs!



Comment by Cindy on January 12, 2011 at 3:04pm
Gotta remember that I have the clydesdales too!   Yeah, it's a constant battle to keep ahead of all the kids when it comes to food.  Especially the almost 13 yr old.  I need to buy a cow - might be cheaper then buying 4 gallons a week at the store.
Comment by Mike & Debbie Burk on January 12, 2011 at 2:35pm
It's a good thing Cindy's not also raising Irish Wolfhounds or Mastiffs... at least Corgis can eat less than the kids.
Comment by Cindy on January 12, 2011 at 1:32pm

See, I have a 23 yr old son who is 6'4" and still growing but his little sister(13 on Friday) is close to catching up with him.  Seriously!  At the same age, he was at the orthopedic specialist who after the testing was done, said good news, bad news.  Good-nothing wrong with his back.  Bad news-the curve, is a growth curve.  Looking at his xrays, I expect him to grow another 18" and be around 6'4"to 6'6".  EEEK! 

Meredith is about the same height, skinny as a rail and eats non-stop.  Growing just as fast as he did and at 13, she's 5'5" and doing another growth spurt.  Actually the funny part was last week she only ate two pieces of pizza, Alec wondered if she was sick.  Two days later we went to Panera for brunch with my MIL.  Two bagels, 1 muffin top, 1 large hot chocolate, and this was after eating breakfast at home earlier. 1 hour later, starving again.  Sandwich, milk, fruit, etc.  She easily drinks a gallon of milk every two days.

SOOOO.....I make a large 6 qt crockpot of chilli--lasts maybe 2 days.  Potato soup-10 lbs of baked potatos, lasts 3 days.  Two pans of enchiladas-1, maybe 2 days.


Comment by vicky hyde on January 12, 2011 at 1:10pm
i believe in looking at both bitch and possible stud dog for her. i look to see if they compliment each other, make sure there are no big major flaws, can one hopefully fix the others non-perfection, then i look at pedigree. struvture is number 1 on my list. when i used jack the first (and at this time, his only time) one, he was 8 years old and two, i sat down with sandy and we discussed bitches. we basically narowed it down to 2. they are veery similar to each other. in fact i asked sandy if they were related, which was a no. i choose to go with barbie because there was something about her i liked better. although we only ended up with 2 puppies, i can't say i am disappointed with what the results were. i feel what we needed to correct, we did. there is a little girl interested in a short-term marrage to jack. he actually was sort of recommended. now, he is 10 years old and this would be his last. as you can all tell, i'm not that huge on the breeding aspect. i keep telling joker he has another 6 years to go, if even then. he just gives me that dumb, but cute look. and cindy, i really appreciate the information and knowledge that you share. that's what this group is for. let's utilize it like it should be. besides, we need something to talk about. theoly one really doing any showing is hank and that's only because the rest of us are frozen in and the shows aren't as plentiful during the winter. oh, it's heck to be a penquin. take care. enjoy that soup. i made chili a couple of months ago. i'm thinking maybe next month for chili again. i'm going to be making  pork chops with apple next week. found a recipe i want to try. right now, working up to going and doing the laundry. most hated chore.  
Comment by Cindy on January 12, 2011 at 12:11pm

OMG--totally agree.  The best guess, the best parents, the best pedigrees, can turn out crap just as well as any other breeding.

The key is not to rely on just one thing.  If you simple look at the pedigree but not at the structure of the dogs you are breeding, what good will it do you?  It's almost like breeding two pets together because the pedigree is awesome-what will you more then likely get, more pets. Or breeding to perfectly complimentary dogs together but with pedigrees that have nothing in common or without digging in and figuring out if one line carries something that when breed to the other bloodline produces something horrible.

Use all the tools available to you but don't rely on one more then the other.

Comment by Cindy on January 12, 2011 at 12:02pm
Chicken noodle last night. Potato tonight.  Large pot of chili for the weekend.  And I think Alec will be put in charge of a pan or two of lasagna or enchiladas too!

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