Lauren + Winston

35, Female

Columbus, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:


Columbus, Ohio
About Me:
I live in Columbus, Ohio with my boyfriend and my Winston!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Winston was born on May 6, 2007. I was searching corgis on the internet and came across a breeder that lives about an hour and a half away from me. I contacted her and in about a week I had my little Winny! I picked him on on July 26th and he's been such a joy in my life ever since. I've always wanted a dog but wasn't sure what kind, and I am so glad my boyfriend introduced me to corgis! Winston can be found doing a number of things. He loves to FRAP, sleep, fart, eat anything in sight, cuddle, sleep some more, chew on raw hides, consume Busy Bones, and be an adorable nuisance. There has not been one person that has come into contact with Winston that has not liked him... He's the best dog in the world! I cannot wait to add another corgi, this time adopted from a rescue, into my life.
I have:

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  • Lauren

    This is too name is Lauren and my pups name is Winston...we live in Jupiter, Florida. He is almost 4 months old.
  • shannon

    your baby is so adorable. Did he get to play in our 2 ft of snow a few weeks ago. They are so funny in the "white stuff" aren't they.
  • Juel

    Your little one is so cute!
  • Juel

    Thanks for the information! I understand how breeders could feel, because they have invested alot of care and time but to be discounted due to my age or the way I pose a question seems a little petty.
  • Jenn + Karma = Love

    Yes, I agree we should have a meet up someday, just met another corgi owner or two at a festival this weekend! Thanks for the compliments on the art, the business has been growing for about a year now and we hope we can do more corgis! What kinds of things do you paint?
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you so much! The photos on your page made me laugh. Thats why I have to keeo coming on this site even though it makes me sad it makes me happy as well to get all this support
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I keep telling myself that we ended his suffering but half of me feels like a murderer...I know that may sound stupid I just never thought we would have to go through this...I know it was for the best and as each day goes by I am healing a little more. Thanks again
  • Tenley

    Thanks for the advice! Winston looks like such a fun, cute dog, congrats!
  • Amanda Poon

    Which picture? But thanks!
  • Amanda Poon

    And I love your picture! Winston is mimicking the frog!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Tell Winston thanks lol I have wanted to volunteer in the past, but I don't want to be anywhere near where they put the animals to sleep. That's too much. So one day I might try it, but make sure they don't put me in that section of the shelter.The vet sent us a sympathy card, I thought that was pretty nice.
  • Amanda Poon

    Ok now I get it!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Tell Winston phewww thanks lol Yeah I definatly have to check into my local shelter out. Thanks for the info about yours it gives me ideas about options mine might have.
  • Chelsea

    Winston is so cute!
  • Chelsea

    Haha! Theres a breeder in Zanesville? Do you remember the name? I'm thinking of looking for a playmate for Ludo at some point in the future... Buster's getting older and he's not quite as playful as he once was, lol!
  • Chelsea

    Oh! Alright, thank you so much for the info. :)
  • claire

    i have a winston too!!! he says hi to your winston
  • Jenn + Karma = Love

    Thanks so much!! I will definitely look into it, we want to get another pooch after Christmas, I am excited!
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    Thanks! Is that a frog on your head?
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    My halloween wasnt as fun as they have been..No dress up this year for Riley but he is probably laughing from up above because he doesnt have to be forced into that pirate or pumpkin outfit anymore! I looked all over for cat outfits to dress the cats but had no maybe next year I can dress them for halloween. How was yours? Did winston dress up?
  • Sir Wiggles Freeland

    oh that's funny hahahahah. Wiggles thought he was licking his lips like yummm - potential food!! You know how those corgis will do ANYTHING to get some more food!!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    If I have felt to dog lonely I have been visiting friends and family with dogs I have been working overtime so much lately that I havent thought of volunteering! One day I want to maybe go back to part time and do more stuff. That is funny your cat let you dress it up! Do you have any photos?
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    How is Winston doing>?It has been awhile since I have been on here. Hopefully in Feb/March I will be starting over with a new pup...if all goes well.I am excited but I know in store for a lot of work ahead.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! My parents want two puppies I would like two but my husband says no so at least I get one! lol Also when my parents go on vacation then it looks like i will have three! We are all so excited and hopefully things work out and then I will have another page on here that is a bit happier. Hope you have a great holiday coming up!
  • Sam Tsang

    Happy Birthday!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Your Welcome

  • Corgi Mom

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Very cute picture...My kids and husband took this picture for me to have printed on a sweatshirt for me.

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thanks! Its my favorite one now. lol I'm going to start a collection of them. I won't own anything to wear unless it has something to do w/the kids and dogs. hehe
  • Julia

    Merry Christmas to you as well! I wish you all the peace and prosperity that the new year will bring!
  • Elaine

    Great pictures of Winston--keep 'em comin.'

    I hope you're having a great holiday season, and a wonderful new year!

    (P.S. Often vegetarian items are less expensive at Whole Foods than at indy health food stores; a great online source for many vegetarian items [including some pet products, such as dog biscuits], is Pangea, at
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I loved the up close photo of Winston!! That was so cute! Hope you had a great holiday!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks for the website I will have to check it out!
  • Chris and Bugg

    Love the pics of Winston!
  • Chris and Bugg

    I've decided that you can never have enough pictures of your Corgi...however, 209384092834 is a lot. ;D
  • JW

    Thank you for the comment on my photos!! I shoot with a Canon ESO 5D and a Canon EOS 20D. Some of my pics are from my little Nikon point-and-shoot camera, too (which I hate - never buy Nikon lol!) Winston is so adorable! Is he a mama's boy? My Griff is a totally spoiled mama's boy!!
  • Davlion

    Winston is adorable. The best things about pets is they are by your side and dont judge you. They love you if you treat them well and do as much for you as you do for them in the end. They can even heal some ailments! Winston is in your life to help you as well as you are there for Winston. I hope the same happens for me with my corgi! Such a sweetheart!
  • Davlion

    I hope so, I'm in a bit of a scary place in life right now. I just wish I had him right now to comfort me...
  • Kellee

    Thanks so much for the birthday wish! Happy New Year!
  • Davlion

    Thank you so much for your advice. I have seen that web page and it was a lot of help and I guess I still am unsure on what to do. I am so confused >.< but he's so cute well i guess ill just have to talk to the vet. Thanks for the info though, it really helped I guess to know that you think it's not that big of a deal.
  • bill and maggie mae

    thanks lauren!!!
  • Paula Hess

    We had gotten that hat from PetSmart, around Halloween. He was so small we found that the one from the cat section fit the best. I guess the cat will inherit it next Halloween. I don't believe the cat will be as great as a sport about it.
  • Rusty

    Just thought I would stop by and say hi!
  • Kristen

    Lauren, thanks for taking the time to contact Senators about Basil's Law. I hope we can make a difference. Having that bill on the agenda is going to make it a difficult day. I appreciate your support!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Hi Lauren! I have not seen you in the chatroom for awhile. I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you ever made it to Cost Plus World Market, and did you find that teapot?
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks! I know I am going to have to get up extra early to feed the cats and puppy and go to work! lol but it is so worth it when you get to experience all the love animals bring!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Thanks! I can't wait until I get him this saturday and can actually have more stories to tell! It's so exciting!
  • Brenda and Gary

    Thank you Lauren & Winston.