Chantel & Princess Bella

37, Female


South Africa

Profile Information:

Johannesburg South Africa
About Me:
I am a graphic / web designer from Johannesburg SA. My boyfriend and I adopted little Bella, and we love her like she's our baby!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bella was born on April 25th 2008. She is a purebred red & white Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She is the sweetest dog I have ever known. She makes me smile no matter what mood I'm in...and I love it when she quietly wakes me up in the morning with a little nudge on my arm with her nose :-)

I have:

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  • Nicole & Baxter

    Hello beautiful Bella and her people! =) Thank you for the friend add, so sorry it took so long to get back to you. What a gorgeous girl! And I see she has a beagle buddy as well! Bax has a best beagle pal too!
  • Hannah

    Thank you for the welcome! Princess Bella is super cute!
  • Tracy

    I love your dog! she looks alot like my toby.
  • Jessica

    I LOVE the brown and turquoise on your blog! I love that design. Reminds me the movie Marie Antoinette.
  • chocky

    Hi I was just wondering, how long was it before your corgi's ears were up?
    mine is just 9 weeks, and they're still down. (they look like they're too big for her... lol)
  • Gabby and Lilly

    Hi new friend in South Africa! Your Bella looks so huggable!
  • Jaxon

    Bella is cute and I love the ihasahotdog pics
  • Marley

    She's so adorable! If she lived anywhere near my Sir Niles, I'd suggest a play date : )
  • Emily

    He probably weighs about 18lbs. He hasn't been to the bet in a little while but thats my estimate.
  • Nicole

    Thanks! She is my little pumpkin! You have a sweet little baby yourself! I love the LOL dogs - a frien of mine sent me the corgi links :) very funny. I see you are in South Africa - my husband and I visited a year or so back and traveled all around - it was beautiful, favorite vacation yet and we can't wait to go back!
  • Nicole

    Yes, we loved Cape Town!
  • Michelle & Molly

    Princess Bella is gorgeous!!! I actually think that my precious Molly and Bella have facial markings that are the same!!! I am also a graphic design artist!!! I am jealous that you are in South Africa!!! WOW!!!
  • Randy & John

    what a beautiful Corgi!!!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Your dogs are adorable!. Bella serves her name well. She is indeed beautiful. I want to get another Corgi and Ive decided I want a red and white one. Your Bella has cemented that wish in my mind! She is perfect!
  • Kaisdy

    thank you~~~~~~Bella is very pretty too!!!!!!!!! ^o^
  • Dominique

    Oh my goodness, she's the sweetest most precious thing!
  • Max & Cody

    Great pix!
  • Cassie Morton

    Thank you. His name is Bruno. We are sure proud of him. We got him here in Oklahoma from a breeder who has produced champions.

    He's rotten. I forgot how much work puppies were. all of our others are 2 years and older.
  • Michelle K. Silver

    Greetings from the Navajo Nation in Window Rock, Arizona, USA!! Great to find a new friend from Africa. Bella is a beautiful girl and I love the pics of your corgi and beagle. So cute!

    Love Bella she is so cute and was born just after my Wilf too!!!!
  • Juneaux and Maximus

    She is SOOO pretty! I love this site--I can spend hours looking at corgi pics, lol! :)
  • Dave

    Bella is so cute. Dave is 8 months years old. I will be working at Cupertino in next 2 months. Can we hang out sometime together then?
    He really needs a girl friend. Dave hasn't seen any other corgis.
  • Bella Doggie

    Your Bella is a beautiful little girl!! I have a bella too :) Mine is a tri color 3 year old.
  • Ein Danger

    hey there bella! how's it going?? thanks for the add!!! i just love making new friends! i could really use your help! today's the last day for voting so let's launch a corgi on the cover of future Bissell products! i mean, who else would be a better dog? my mom has to vacuum all my hair up constantly!

  • Marti & Toki

    Bella is so pretty! Great pictures :)
  • Leah

    thankyou for the welcome! i love how you said in your profile that bella wakes you with a little nudge in the morning. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! so sweet! :D
  • Lynda

    Hi Chantel and Bella,

    Yes, I loved that video...made me cry. Dogs are so unconditional!! Your little sweetie is adorable!!! I love that we are so far apart on the globe...yet we're talking through this website. I also think corgis' are the sweetest little dogs...I just got a second one two months ago.
  • Lynda

    I love beagles too...almost got one of those instead of my corgi. Do they get along pretty well?? I've had Bacchus for a year and a half now, and then just got his half brother two months ago. They fight a lot!!! I often wonder if a girl wouldn't have been better. I'm sure they'll figure it out. They get along better everyday.
  • Lynda

    These corgis seem to think they're much bigger than they really are. They have big barkers too. A thief would think I have two dobermans if they didn't see them. ;) I love that you corgi dominates!! Makes me smile ;)
  • Jessie

    Thanks so much for the welcome! I love Bella's colors! I really wanted a red and white but now I wouldn't trade Dex for anything :-)
  • tefutefu

    Hi! Thanks for the add!
    Just want to say that Bella is such a beautiful girl! And she was just too cute as a puppy! :D
    Wish that I could have cuddled with Ein when he was a puppy too but he's just as nice to cuddle with now :)
  • Alexandria Sawada-Escamilla

    Hello there Chantel and Princess Bella thank you for the invite to be friends. I just get done looking at your photos. Bella was just a doll when she was a puppy. It remainded me of my dogs when they all where puppys. They grow up to soon!
  • Jessie

    That group is great! Thanks for the link to it! P.S. I checked out your website and I LOVE IT! Every new post I was like, "Ooo! Cool!" Your website is one of the first windows that pops up in my browser now. Did you do the vector image in the upper right corner? It's perfect!
  • Joanne

    Hello! Your little Bella is a beauty~
    I enjoyed your pics and your site!
  • Carlie

    Aw thanks, but I'm actually Carlie, the pup is Kiwi :). I wish I was as gorgeous as her though :). Thank you so much for the compliments! She's definitely cute...and knows it...
    Bella is absolutely adorable. Such pretty markings! Thanks for the add!!
  • CaptainCorgi

    Your Corgi is adorable! I love her face. <3
  • Ashleigh and Sophie!

    that picture at the top is SO CUTE! my corgi use to look like that when she was little too :)
  • Abbea and Vivi

    I'm sure you hear this all the time but Bella is so cute!!!
  • Barb Jacobs

    Thank you for the nice comment on Xyliatales! And yes, that is the CUTEST baby Corgi pic in THE WORLD! Thank you for reading my webcomic!

    These pics on this site are so wonderful for reference!

  • Brody

    He isn't guarding anything, he's attacking his stuffed lamb!
  • Melissa Bee

    You have a wonderful site. We've never met a corgi from South Africa before an' it's nice to know that you think corgis are the best too!! Skeezix wishes Bella lived closer as he thinks she's very pretty. And we both enjoy your LOL corgis!!
    Melissa Bee and the Skeezman
  • Kathy Leach

    Bella is gorgeous! She looks a lot like my Gryffyn...
  • Bella

    Hi Bella! I'm glad to know there's other Bellas out there! =)
  • Corgibyassociation

    OH that's a cute little corgi puppy!
  • Léonie

    Hi, Thank you for your invitation.
    Love the pictures, the other dog (beagle?) is that also your dog?
  • Léonie

    He's adorable too! He does look a bit naughty though. Ha,ha!
  • Elyse & Caese

    Bella was soooooooooooo cute!!! I love how fluffy she was! I miss when my lil dude was a ball of fluff!
  • Shannon

    Love your Bella
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Kelly

    Happy Birthday Chantel!!