
41, Male

Orlando, Florida

United States

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Welsh Corgi Breeder?
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  • Me

    Cheez was born to look guilty. What a face. Hope he gives you many many years of pleasure and adventure.
  • Tracie & Emmy

    Thanks James! Cheez-it will be smart as a ship and able to learn ticks too... once he masters the whole potty thing! LOL I have gotten Emmy into the bad habbit of barking as she does each command, now that is hard to break! Thanks for the comments! :-)
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi James & cheez ball! =P Bailey was 7lbs 3 oz at his first vet visit at 8 weeks. He was 11 lbs 15 oz at 12 weeks, and now he's 14 weeks and I haven't weighed him, but hes defintely gained about 2 lbs. im saying probably close to 14 pounds! Yeppp, a pound a week is what's the norm. I always feel my pup is huge lol, so i like to ask around. There'sa 9 month old corgi out there who weighs as much as he does now!!!!! it puzzles me because his mom was a little petite thing. must've been the father!! and im not giving him doggie steroids!! he does however get 1 1/2 cups of food a day. 1/2 cup in the morning, for lunch, and for dinner. And he's still always hungry - well not exactly for kibble but just hungry in general. =P
  • Karen & Bailey

    have you given cheez-it any cheese yet? =P
  • Karen & Bailey

    Sorry if you feel im making fun of his name - let me know, i will stop! =) i just think its so cute and adorable. =)
  • Karen & Bailey

    haha cheez-fits! lol too funny... HAH!!!!!!

    I feed Bailey Nature's Recipe Lamb Meal and Rice Formula. It's got no beef,corn, wheat, fillers or byproducts and he does pretty well. It helps on the poop volumne too.. nice and compact. =P haha

    Bailey LOVES yogurt. Nonfat, plain.. YUMMMYYYY to him. I'm not too much of a yogurt fan... but he again, LOVES it.. frozen, just off the spoon, anything. Plus the calcium is good for them. I give him 1 tbl at a time maybe twice a weeek. And if I need him to eat his kibble faster.. lol. .

    yess my little bailey bear is spoiled. other things that are OK that I've given him (not everyday of course!) is apples, applesauce (natural no sugar added basically apples and water), peanut butter and pork cubes (just oven baked and chopped up into tiny pieces). I started doing the pork thing cause I read such bad stories about the things they put in meat jerky for dogs that come from China. It's horrible.. =(. Just google "irradiated chicken jerky". So i refuse to give him any more jerky thats been "irraddiated".. or anything thats made in china. It's scary how unreggulated the pet food industry is!

    ooooo yes i volunteer at work to read to these 1st graders in this local elementary school and they have the kids say "cheeseburger" when they're taking pictures. so cute! =P
  • Karen & Bailey

    yay to yogurt! just remember not to put it in his kibble too much cause he'll expect his kibble to taste like yogurt or he won't eat it. ,.. then he'll take twice as long to finish it or not eat it at all!

    i was thinking of some other "healthy" treats. i tried giving bailey frozen peas once, and he liked those- they're bite size and easy to give (at least easier than yogurt!) -esp for training.

    have a great weekend!
  • Bridget

    Puppichino! Love it!!! Don't think I can get the rest of the family to go for it. I did try Frappachino on them thinking..coffee...rambunctious play.....Frappy. Didn't fly either.

    I will keep trying.
  • Beth

    Cheez-it is adorable! I've enjoyed reading his (and your) escapades. :o)
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks for the info. I already have a travel crate and a home crate, a couple of toys and food and water dishes. Even though I don't plan to use it until he or she is a little older. I got a furminator too since I saw everyone talking about how great it was for the shedding. I won't get my puppy until 12 weeks though, do you think the collar size will change much? I haven't bought that yet since I don't know what sex the pup will be. I love your Cheez- it pics!
  • Suresh

    I <3 your pics.
  • Mandy and Lori

    Awww, your little guys is so cute!!
    Thank-you for the visit!! The treats do look tasty!! They smell good too. :)
  • Megan and Penelope

    Thanks! I saw some of Cheez-it's video and he is so funny!
  • Lexi

    Your blogs, pictures and videos are great! They're really helping me to prepare for a puppy... I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your blogs. Now I just don't know whether to be more nervous about housetraining or feel more prepared. Keep up the great work!
  • John Wolff

    They're only in it for the triple rations.
    What they REALLY like is the soccer ball on the asphalt playground.
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    James, I know that you have a couple of weeks with Cheez-it before you have to go back to work. One suggestion I have is to start leaving him in his crate while you leave for short periods of time. This way when you have to finally go back to work it won't be such a shock for him.

    You're really doing a great job so far and I know that Cheez-it will become a wonderful companion because of the time and energy you're putting into him now. Thanks for doing everything right so far and for keeping the rest of your MyCorgi fans entertained.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hey james & cheezball! =P bailey acutally had a case of the tapeworms too.. once day i just noticed it in his poop and freaked out. then yes, i went to his bedding and low and behold... what looked like rice all scattered along the edges. I am certain he ingested a flea at the breeders since, we found a flea on him on the ride home. but yepp, hes all fine now. i wouldn't restrict his roaming area, esp since I do think he caught it from the breeder as well. I was doing all this research on it before our vet appt that day, and they can "grow" and wont shed the segments for as long as 3 weeks after ingesting the flea. =T

    good thing those things are easy to kill, i'd run a fecal test to make sure everythings free and clear on the internal parasites. oh and yes the vet hid the pill in a meatball! hahha. =P

    have a great rest of the weekend!
  • Pamela

    miss annie lets me put all kinds of stuff on her. She just sits there till im done. I started doing it when she was 8weeks old so she be used to it. I can pretty much put anything on her and she is fine with it. At one point when she was small i put a little bell on her collar so we hear her and we know she was close to feet! She didnt much pay attention to our big feet..lol.
  • mikonami

    I just read your comment about naming your pets after food. I named one of my mother's dogs Bok Choy (the chinese veggie). My Corgi was going to be named after a Chinese cake, but no one could pronounce it right. It's so cool to see someone who appreciates food names. =)

    Btw, Cheez-it is so cute!
  • Cindi

    James, I love Cheez-It! And I can't shop anymore and see a cheez-it box without laughing!
  • Linda and Kaijuu Le

    yes i agree, cats are pretty .. useless. >< i didnt want to say it specifically in the post because i know people have cats too (on the page)! hahah ... =D
  • penny spencer

    Hi James. I'd want to eat Cheez-it up! It's the ears, they do it for me. We think Roscoe might see light and maybe some movement. Sometimes he'll stand and be looking at a wall and we just laugh and say "we're over here". What else can you do? He gets around pretty well in his own little environment. Does bump into stuff but pretty much knows his way around the familiar spaces he's allowed. He'll get running his figure 8's outside at such a fast speed and usually can avoid running into something, but I'm afraid he will eventually hit something hard and it would be fatal for him. Really keep him fairly protected but he is a happy little guy overall. Thanks for asking. We take one day at a time. Penny
  • Tammey & Caven

    Hi James and thanks. We are happy to share them but almost ashamed that we have so many. Haha!
  • Juel

    i just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your story telling ability! I love reading the adventures of Cheez-it!
  • PuKi

    awww i love cheez-it hes so adorable and so unique looking!!
  • Me

    How's our Mr Mischief Face?
  • Amanda

    Thanks, she knows she's cute. I love your dogs name-that is great~! And the black nose gives him that little trouble maker look. :)
  • Karen & Bailey

    hahha thanks! sorry but i just changed it. probably just as you were writing that comment. lol so funny. but hes got even a cuter pic up now! =P but that balancing one is still in the archives if you want to ever admire that feat again! =D
  • FuzzyButt

    LOL I know what you mean! It cracks me up to see that his head is bigger then his ears! That will change eventually which makes it all the more amusing.
  • Amanda

    I think they're freckles from living in the Texas sun. He's a little sunbather too. My other dog Daisy goes to the shade but sometimes he'll just go to a nice sunny spot and fall asleep. So cute. But I think that's why he has the freckles. Either that or just genetic likes spots. I don't know.
  • Kitty's Corner

    Hi~this is the K-9 Float Coat by Ruffwear,size small. Kitty weighs about 25 lbs. It fits the length of her body really well and cost $49.95.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hey james! and cheez poof! =) I saw another dark-snouted corgi on this site, just wanted to let you know just in case you haven't seen. It's like an older cheez-it!


  • FuzzyButt

    Ding ding ding! Congratulations you've won "guess that car!"

    You will now receive utter satisfaction that your knowledge of automobiles is far superior to everyone else's on this site! XD
  • Karen & Bailey

    yea he is! but i love going to the corgi meetups cause you can definitely tell that he's still a puppy! and hes huge! 23 lbs now. and 6 months on the 21st. =P weve got the big snip scheduled august 15th purely for health reasons - not that i wouldnt love lil bailey jrs running around. =*).

    did cheez it go bonkers when the fireworks went off last night? =*( When bailey heard them, he started pacing around the house in fear and then hid behind the sofa and wouldnt come out for a treat (he NEVER hides behind there). well he wouldnt eat ANY treat - i tried everyhing, freeze dried liver, a piece of pasta.. lol. well anyways, it was hard to see him so nervous. but he went to sleep fine and is fine today.
  • Karen & Bailey

    you know. he never started i guess, he just always was. at 8 weeks he was 7lbs 12 oz. then he just grew a pound a week from there. the breeder also said he was one of the biggest out of the litter. so basically at 16 weeks he was 15 lbs 15 oz, he was right on track.. hes just still growing at the puppy rate!!! hes about 23-24 weeks now and is 23 lbs!!!! so i hope it ends soon... lol
  • Sarah C.

    Thanks for the tip! I will certainly try a garlic mist. Hopefully the big dogs at the dog park wont think she's extra tasty.
  • Lynn

    It was quite easy for me because I had the ferret first and the puppy later on. Toto (my puppy) would actually get bullied all the time by Dwaeji (ferret) and as he grew, they just seemed to get along well.

    How old is your pup? You should always supervise them while together teach your pup not to play/nip too hard. They usually just chase one another. It's a much bigger laugh when the ferret is the chaser!

    Dwaeji also loves stealing Toto's toys, so you'll have to watch out for that too. Your puppy will probably be very protective and jealous of toys, and also of you! Good luck and let me know how its going
  • Carlie

    Hey James, I just noticed that you've been using the E-Collar to help Cheez to stop attacking himself, I don't know if you've ever heard of the 'pro-collar' but it looks somewhat like an inner tube that you put around their necks. It really helped Kiwi when she was spayed. She couldn't really reach her butt, but could still walk comfortably, sleep pretty well and keep herself from running into walls, furniture and our legs. They are about $25.00, but definitely well worth it if you find you have to keep using the e-collar. Just thought I'd throw that piece of advice out there. Good luck with the itchy butt pup.
  • Carmen

    I am so interested to see what Cheez-it looks like when he is all grown up! He has such interesting coloring. I just hope he can stay out of the e-collar for a while!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi James! How is Cheez-it doing?
  • Robyn

    How's Cheez-it?? Do you still take him to Dogwood?
  • Robyn

    I usually go out there on the weekends when I have enough time. I might go Sunday afternoon if the weather is nice. Let me know when you and Cheez-it can make it out there!
  • Robyn

    Oh really? That's sort of gross, but Scout does that a lot.
    It's kind of crazy that I haven't taken my dogs to Ft. Caroline yet since my neighborhood backs into it... but I didn't know they allowed dogs there until recently.
  • Joshua

    Happy Birthday Cheez-it! The litter is now 1 year old!!!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

  • Libby and Dyddy!!

    Happy Birthday!!!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Birthday!
  • Tracey

    Happy Birthday!!
  • Joshua

    Happy one year anniversary with Cheez-it!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Happy Birthday, have a great one!!