Gail and Ashton


Moses Lake, WA

United States

Profile Information:

Moses Lake
About Me:
I've been working in vet med since 1997. First as a veterinary technician which was a career I absolutely loved. Unfortunately for me I was diagnosed with Severe Rheumatoid Arthritis which lead to me becoming legally disabled. Unable to continue the physical work as a technician I became the Practice Manager of the vet clinic.

I am married to a wonderful man named John and our "kids" include a three-legged Black/Tan Tabby named Jet, a PWC named Alphonse and the newest addition a PWC named Pinoko.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Born November 17, 2008, Ashton is my red and white male Pembroke.

Crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 5, 2019.

Ashton loves ice cubes, playing fetch, agility, herding, obedience, coursing and swimming. He loves meeting new people and dogs, everyone is a friend.

Currently Ashton has received his RN (Rally Novice), RA (Rally Advanced), RE (Rally Excellent), NA (Novice Agility), OA (Open Agility), NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers), BN (Beginning Novice Obedience), CD (Novice Obedience), CA (Coursing Ability), PT (Pre-Trial Herding), CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and PHC (Pembroke Herding Instinct Certified) Titles and Certificates. Ashton is involved in lessons in Rally, Agility, Herding, Coursing and Obedience and is the example dog in our kennel club's companion obedience class. He is still Mr. Popularity at the vet clinic and finds no shortage of love from my co-workers and clients.

He loves a good road trip and has traveled throughout Washington, Idaho, Oregon, California and ventured north of the border to British Columbia. He lives such a jet set lifestyle.

Ashton is a big brother again! His new little sister came from the same breeder and was born October 20, 2012, Her name is Pinoko. She is so cute! She is a Red-headed Tri and she'll join her big brothers in performance events when she gets a bit bigger. Our little family is growing by leaps and bounds!
I have:

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  • Amber and Kipland James

    Ashton is adorable!!! how old is he?
  • Amber and Kipland James

    Well, I think he's adorable!! It's really cute how he loves water too! It's making me think about getting a little pool like that for Kipland! Especially for the summer time in Las Vegas!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Ashton is a handsome young man,,your photos are wonderful and he looks well loved,,Thanks for the add~tina~ and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    P.S. Love his water photos,,,Coop just got a new water vest and he loves it ~tina~ and Cooper
  • Tina and Cooper

    Also thanks for your sweet comments :o)
  • Ritamarie Cavicchio

    So fast he hardly gets in the pictures! Obviously loves the water!
  • Melonie Walter

    Thanks for the warm welcome, it's so great to be around so many corgwyn and corgi people!
  • Kristin, Eric & Riley

    We just took Riley on a walk and it's like she didn't even leave the house, it only takes her about a minute to recharge her little battery. I'm wondering if she'll settle down even a little as she gets older? I look forward to seeing more pictures of your little cutie!
  • Edward and Gemima

    Hi, I love your photos of Ashton cooling off! where did you get the life jacket? How old is Ashton? Edward and Gem both love water and ice cubes as well!
  • Christopher Zincone & Monty!

    Thanks for noticing what a lot of people do not. Our bond! Yeah it's great to qualify or even win a class, but the best thing is our connection on course, as well as off. Ashton is quite a cutie! Your pics are great!
    Team Monty!
  • Spencer (and his parents)

    Ashton is soooo cute! Does he like his life vest? Thinking of getting spencer one.
  • Jeny (and Wrigley)

    I love the Corgi pics on there! I submitted that pic with a different caption, but that one ended up so much better. I was shocked when I pulled up the webpage and saw him! :)
  • Krystal R

    Those are really nice professional pictures - frame those for display. Thanks for sharing.
  • Krystal R

    I keep wondering when Brian's ears are going to stand up. He's a few days shy of 6 months and no signs, floppy as ever. He's a cutie. I'm thinking about doing agility - I noticed the youtube video and I think the hardest part will be training me! Enjoy your sight. I need to figure out how to take better pictures. When I visited Seattle - they had a dog beach. It was really nice. Just wondered if you live close enough that maybe you take Ashton there to.

    Take Care! Krystal
  • Jeanne Joslyn

    Thank you! Love your video! That is a riot! He's adorable and a great swimmer!
  • Sherri Howell

    Hi Gail & Ashton...and "Woofs" from Tucker...
    Thank you for stopping by our page. Yes, you are so right. Being in Vet medicine is hard work but very rewarding. Ashton is just adorable. Tuck is now 12 1/2 but very active, he walks 3 miles a day and takes the lead. I had Shoulder surgery on June 3rd and I am on the mend. Tucker would sit on the bed with me and watch TV and wonder why we weren't walking for over a week. We are now back on the road and Tucker is greeting all the neighbors... they just love him. Well, we are off to eat dinner and put advantage on Teddy & Punnie. Yes, they will act like they don't like me for a few hours, I guess that is my punishment for keeping them safe.. lol lol... I love them dearly. Well we are off...Let's chat more about Vet Meds.....Sher & Tucker...Hugs to Ashton...
  • Kahuna and Gail

    That is such a cute picture of Ashton. I wish I had my Corgi as a pup..they are the cutest!
  • Kahuna and Gail

    wow, my family is in San Diego too. I go down to Anza Borrego every chance I get. Kahuna and I go for runs at the ocean beach. He's not so fond of the waves but he loves to run on the wet sand.
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you for your kind words on Missing my Jacqueline. They are very comforting.
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    Thank you very much.
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    That would be great! Yeah it's been a while since I've been to Othello. My dad still lives there so we try to go a few times a year. We'd love to get together sometime!
  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Thanks for the comment. Ashton is a very handsome dog. He looks so happy. You have some great photos. I love the banana boy.
  • Michelle Anderson

    I have been searching for local breeders, but I am not having any luck! Do you know of anyone?
  • Lauren & Emma

    I love the ice cream photo! :) You have a very handsome little corgi! I didn't realize how popular the banana costumes were! :)
  • Michelle Anderson

    Thank you so much for the link! I just might be in luck! I found a breeder about an hour away, that will have pups in about 6 months. Sad to say, my cat Cody is about to pass away. I want to wait so I don't cause him any stress. He developed tumors from being vaccinated!!! He went in for surgery twice, and now they say there is not much I can do, but keep him comfortable and let him go when it is time . :( I feel that finding someone who will have pups in 6 mos is a blessing. I miss my babies so much, but I know for Cody that bringing a pup home, won't be a good idea! Thanks so much for thinking of me!
  • Kitty Kirwin

    Oh dear Iam sorry your RA is bad. I hope you feel better soon. Mine is OK just the damp gets me, cold not so much.
    Thank you.. Gwenie & I are well, she helps alot! Kitty & Gwenie
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    I love Ashton. And the music you chose to accompany his adventures on the high seas made him seem not only beautiful but HEROIC.

    We'll pretend we didn't see the life preserver and lead. Just shows he has very responsible owners!

    PS My first dog was a chow mix and my 2nd rescue was a corgi. It's been corgis for a LONG time. Thanks for your great videos and smiles.
  • Cindi

    Hi Gail, thank you for the commet. I don't check this site very often and see that I missed Ashton's birthday. Hope he had a good time. Take care and GO SEAHAWKS!
  • Shepdog

    Aw, thanks! Ashton's beautiful, and your photos are wonderful!

    I'll happily send over the store's address. You can't miss us, we're the shop with the Corgi logo on Bainbridge Island, haha! :D

    PS: I've always wanted to name a cat Harrison! ;)
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    That is a VERY cute birthday puppy! :)
  • Debbie, Sadie & Joey

    Thank you! Sadie is 10 months old. She is my little princess :) You have some very nice pictures. You are a good photographer!!! And you have a very good subject :) or subjects I should say. Looks like you have 3 babies. All adorable :)
  • Amy Steinbach

    Yes, Hannah and Emma would love to play sometime. They are very social and Happy Hollidays!!:)
  • Hieu and Kimi

    Thank you Gail and Ashton. Your pictures are adorable as well! Happy holidays!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks you :)
  • John Wolff

    Hey Gail, what do people use for ticks in central Washington? We used to used Advantix, but I'm a little concerned about the permethrin in it. Do people use Frontline over there?
    We don't have many ticks on the west side of the Cascades, but I take the dogs out to Vantage at least once every early spring, and we like the country around Ellensburg and Leavenworth.
  • John Wolff

    Thanks for the tip. Joanna Kimball's blog fleece & tix sez she does not like permethrins (Advantix, Bio-Spot), and Frontline doesn't work so well (my pal sez so too) but she mentions this "Comfortis" stuff, new chemical from bacteria, pill form, kills fleas for a month or so and kills fleas for a week (not advertised for ticks). I might try that -- I could dose whichever dog is going "out east" on an as-needed basis. What do the vet people out there say about Comfortis? I wouldn't have to keep both dogs loaded for ticks all the time (I take one at a time).
    Joanna Kimball's blog is interesting; she sounds like she knows what she's talking about, but Dummy here wouldn't be able to tell if she doesn't. rufflyspeaking
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

    Ashton is beautiful! i love all the pictures you took, very pretty:)
  • John Wolff

    Thanks again; I think we'll be doing Frontline or Advantix spring/summer, or as-needed.
  • GoGoRainbow

    your ashton is such a looker, always smiling and ready to pose for a picture =)
  • Darlene Hennessy

    I just love your pictures. Ashton is beautiful. The profile picture cracks me up!
  • Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )

    LOL. Ashton is hilarious.
  • Sherri Howell

    Dear Gail & Ashton,
    Thank you so much for your kind comments. I am off the pick up my Tucker in a few minutes and then off the the pharmacy for an RX. Gail, i am sorry I didn't reply to you in august but I had shoulder surgery and I was on the mend. I am ok now. Well, i am off for now. It is so nice to have Veterinarian's as friends. When I went in to the practice with tuck and the results came back everyone was shocked. It is hard for them to treat one of their own. You know how that is... More later....
  • Jess, Ein, Faye & Wilson!

    Thank you for the comment! I just love Ashton's registered name! I did pass on the belly rubs and ice cubes. Be sure to do the same from me, Ein & Faye-Faye!
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you for the birthday wish. . . .
  • Emily & Willow

    Hi Gail and Ashton, It's nice to meet other corgi lovers in the area. Next time you're in town we should arrange a play date.
  • Samantha, Ian, & Toast

    Ian's family lives in Moses Lake! We're there a few times a month :) And as soon as Toast gets her last set of shots (two weeks!) we plan on taking quite a few trips to the dog parks.
  • Samantha, Ian, & Toast

    Bah, I sent that too early... if you plan on heading to the dog park anytime soon just leave me a comment and we'll see if we can set up a play date!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Helloooo! YES LaVerne and I will be in the same class as you and Ashton! How exciting! I have never even BEEN to a dog show of any kind let alone BE in one. I'd been taking both of my dogs to classes, LaVerne in Rally-O and Shirley in Agility, just to have something special to do with each one. When LaVerne did so well I was convinced by my teachers to enter her in this trial. Thanks for the heads up on the horse poop. Oh dear.....she has never had the pleasure of rooting around in that! I'm not sure how I will be able to keep her away from it. But like you said, it will be fun to spend that time with our dogs and get to see lots of other dogs. I really need to lighten up. It certainly wont be a tragedy if we dont pass but I really had my heart set on I will be there Sunday as well. My name is Tracey. I will see you there!!!!
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Thank you so much for the info! I am trying so hard not to be a nervous wreck but I am anyway! At practice the other day LaVerne decided to go visit another dog in the middle of the course. She is so very social. She loves everyone and everything and wants nothing more than to get petted, play and eat. Guess that doesnt sound so bad does I will just hope for the best. I have enjoyed looking at your photos. Ashton is quite a traveler. I can tell how much he means to you and what a big part of your life he is. As it should be. Makes my heart happy! Thanks again for your encouragment and information. See you tomorrow and Rally-On Corgis!!!
  • Tauna and Kota

    LOVE your profile pic!!