Jane Christensen

69, Female

Comfrey, MN

United States

Profile Information:

Hibbing, MN
About Me:
I live in the country and love animals so I have a variety of dogs(2 of my own corgis, Wynn and daughter Sage)2 rescues,a corgi mix and an Aussie) cats and free range chickens. I am lucky because I get to work close to my home and my dog(s) get to come with me...My husband and I have grown children and several beautiful grandchildren who love to visit and play with the animals.My love for Corgis started when I went to pick a female Corgi and Wynn picked me... he proceeded to walk up to me, lay his tiny little head on my foot and fall asleep.Wynn still parades around my house with one of my shoes and I always have to "look" for my shoe before I can leave...I did a Corgi rescue April (08) I felt like I wanted to help other Corgis...wow what an experience and I learned a lot. I also do corgi rescue when needed..Jackson now lives with Jennifer Markley. Calvin my Cardigan rescue lives with Joanna and Rainy my own Pembroke was rehomed and lives with Joanna's parents where she can be the "princess" and have her own people!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 4 Corgis.Wynn is my male Corgi that started this obsession with Corgis and he is now 9. Wynn's daughter Sage is 3 and a Therapy Inc.dog that often travels with me.Wiley my rescue is also about 8. Teddy my other rescue is about 11. Armani is my Aussie who thinks and acts like a corgi! Tank is a 4 year old Corgi mix. We decided to adopt him instead of another Corgi because he had already been in 3 homes at 1 year of age. He can run for hours in our groves and wear off his energy and is such a sweet boy. 1/2.
I have:

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  • Shou

    I'm still working on it! Unfortunately most of the breeders closest to me are not having puppies until later in the year. And I keep running into ones that have had puppies, but they've all be sold. Haha. Such bad luck. But I got a nice sized list from the Golden Gate corgi club up in Northern California, so I just sent out a bunch more emails a few days ago. If I don't hear back after this weekend, I'll probably try calling them. Hopefully one of those will work out!! Once I get my corgi though, rest assure, you will know about it! Haha.

  • Lindsey Hendrickson

    Uploaded a few more pics! All is good with Winston! He is starting the teething stage now.

  • Angela Kau-Forsberg

    She is doing quite well.  She has recently been taught touch and will probably be taught mark next so I can get her to sit in places I tell her to.  I think it will be helpful for photos and the like.  She gets along great with Uncle's dog and without trying scares the ever loving crud out of my mother's dog.  My mother's cat likes her though.  Buddy, my mother's dog, is just really scared of most anything anyway.

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    Hope all is well.  Been thinking about you guys.  Haven't been online much....been sick.  I've been missing my buddy Sage...so has Calvin. 

  • Kristen & Nora

    Thanks for the collar. Now that I'm preparing for Nora, I'm keeping my eyes peeled for one!

  • Tomi and Story

    Thanks, Jane! We decided at Christmas that it was time for a puppy (it has been about 7 years since my Rott passed away). Since I'm a teacher I knew the beginning of summer was the best time to bring a puppy home, so I've been waiting a LONG TIME! Lol! 18 days 'til we bring 'Story' home (the puppy countdown has replaced the traditional 'days left of school' countdown at our house!)
  • Rose & Little Winry

    Thanks for the add, and the comment! I decided it was about time I join this site ;) Hope all is well with you! <3 Rose

  • Sarah J. Turnbull

    Thanks Jane. Now that I have graduated, I have some time for meeting other Corgi people! :-)
  • Jill Inwards

    Thank You!!

  • Jennifer Markley

    Hope you are feeling better!  Saw that you had surgery....hope all is OK.  Jacks sends his love!  We had a meet-up here today with other corgi's in the area, and he was the best dog there.....:-)

  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Hi Jane, How are things in your neck of the woods?  I'm sorry to read about Wynn's back .  How is it doing?  I feel so bad that I didn't get any photos sent for the 365 calendar.  I was tied up with moving my Mom into dementia care. It's always something.  Norman is doing great! He passed Basic Dog Obedience Class at the Humane Society in La Crosse. I'm thinking about enrolling him in the next class + agility. I think he may enjoy that.  I hope all your babies are doing good.

  • Steve Amerige

    Hi Jane,

    Lois suggested I contact you about an undocked Corgi.  Please see my post here:


    Hoping this finds you well!

    Steve Amerige

  • Steve Amerige

    Hi Jane!  Done!



  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Gretzky doesn't romp and play with Norman like I had hoped but he tolerates him, just fine and comes "to his rescue" at times at the dog park.  Gretzky will go lay down by Norman if they are both hanging out in the back yard. Sweet.  He's 10yeard old not and a bit grumpy but they are doing great.  Gretzky gets quite perky at the dog park.  He tends to like the little white dogs and the Beagles for some reason.  We are going on a trip next week and the Corgis will be living with a wonderful family that will give them lots of attention.  I'm glad we don't have to go to a regular kennel where they only let them out a few times a day.  These boys are quite spoiled when it goes to going outside when they want to.  What are you thoughts on using a harness ?   Norman does better with his 6'lead when I wrap it under his legs and up through his collar like a harness. Sam said to skip the harness as it makes them pull harder. How do you feel about the reels?

  • Steve Amerige

    I just wish I were there now!  I've got the suitcase already packed!  But, I'll probably unpack it and pack it again at least a couple of more times!



  • Kristen & Nora

    Hi Jane! Nora is doing fairly well. She has done a lot of adapting these last two weeks! And we're bonding really well. It's awesome when I come home and her little tail is wagging and she's got her "happy face" on!

  • Roger/Laurie

    Steve and Paul live about 90 minutes away.  Would have been great if you could have delivered. Paul is a good looking guy.  I have been so busy I didn't realize you had puppies resently.

  • Roger/Laurie

    That should be recently.....

  • Roger/Laurie

    Your 6 months sounds as bad as ours....minus all the puppies. We can barely handle two corgis.  I was poked and screened from Feb to May.  Everything pointed to breast cancer but the couldn't find anything. Glad to hear your husband is on the mend.  How did you break your finger?

  • Roger/Laurie

    Being one handed must be tough. Well you need therapy? The boys get into it sometimes.  But it is mostly teeth and sound.  We never have had blood but it sounds like they are killing each other.

  • Norine Olson

    Gets very noisy around the kitchen/dining area at times.  Once in a while a yelp, but no blood.  Both are are having fun chasing the cats at times.  Need to supervise feeding times as they like to play musical bowls and I want to make sure no one is hogging all the food.  Any time we take them somewhere Baya just eats up the love and attention from anybody she comes in contact with.

  • Bev Levy

    Thanks Jane! Happy 4th of July!

  • Jennifer Markley

    Put up pictures of Macy!  Sorry it took so long.  In Kansas we don't have high-speed internet, so I couldn't load them until I got home.  :-)

  • Ludi

    Oh, that's adorable to hear. :D I know Ace could never live up to the task of being in charge of baby chicks! I think it is awesome that Wynn has found a task he's so very well suited for.

  • John Wolff

    Coyotes are known to playfully lure domestic dogs to their death.  Bobcats are a real threat.   I read an account of a hiker chasing a mountain lion (!) off his corgi (I would not expect a cougar to leave just because I ask it to).  A raccoon can easily kill a single coon hound.

    We have urban coyotes in Seattle.  We keep them not just fenced, but inside at night.

    Wonder what Scott & Kathy Wiley do?

  • Kelsey Fuhrman

    Cosmo has new pictures up! he is getting big fast!! and he is a total new york puppy now! he adapted well :) 

  • Lola and Paige

    Lola and Dinky got a little carried away and Lola almost broke our printer :)  When it hit the floor in a loud crash they both quickly realized that playtime was over :)

  • Lola and Paige

    Lola gets to go to the vet for a check-up this Wednesday.  We were going to do it at twelve weeks old but everyone in the house works at the same time and I had no way over.  She is still looking completely healthy (except for chasing her ball in the house and crashing into the kitchen cabinets :) ).  I'm crossing my fingers that she will behave, I think she will since she can handle my nieces and nephews.

  • Lindsey Hendrickson

    Hi Jane! sorry for the late reply. Winston is doing great! He was neutered recently and did awesome! He is still his same old self, running around like crazy! He is growing so fast, It's crazy. 

  • Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick

    The only problem I have with having a gang is that I don't have enough hands to pet all of them at the same time! Haha other than that, bring it on!! I have a list of dogs I want to have [all of mine are corgis, of course, but my boyfriend wants some big fluffy dogs, so we'll just have to get those too ;-) ]. We might have to get a second king size bed and put them side by side so everyone can sleep up there. Doggie quilt!

  • Lola and Paige

    Just wanted to tell you that Lola had an excellent vet appointment!  Everyone loved her and the doctor would've kidnapped her if she could!  Lola is vaccinated and a healthy weight at a whopping 17 pounds!  She also has been getting plenty of excercise with a half hour walk each day and a couple of hours to run outside with Dink.

  • Bev Levy

    Jane, you may be right about the Tri's, I have had 2 red and whites and neither was a talker where as Sparty has something to say about everything.

  • Miranda~ Moses | Maya | Maverick

    Whenever I see a "Murphy", my heart warms. Maverick is proving so far to be a wonderful dog; I hope he brings honor to the Maverick name. ;-)

  • Jerrie L. Butler

    Thank you for asking to be my friend. That mean alot to me. Sorry I got back to you so late. I haven't been feeling well. I go to the DR. tomorrow to see what there going to do. I'm afraid I may have to have some surgery. But if I do I'll explain it to you when I find out.

  • Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce

    Thank you Jane.   Winston was a sweetheart and we love him so much.  It's going to take awhile to get used to him being gone.  We're going to wait a little while and then see about rescuing a Corgi.  Do you know of any rescue organizations in north Georgia or southeast Tennessee ?  I did find a 4 year old male Pembroke on PetFinders.com located about two hours from where we live.  I'm not sure if we'd be able to accurately determine his health status, and if we drove that far and had concerns that kept us from wanting to adopt him I'd feel SO bad.  We really don't want a dog with any known health problems after what we experienced with Winston.  Any help you could give us with regards to rescuing a Corgi would be appreciated.  Joyce

  • Lola and Paige

    Oh my goodness! Lola can jump up on my mom's bed which is over two feet high!  She is getting sooo big and is now shedding so I brush her every day!  Unfortunately, I hurt my back the other day so I can't keep picking her up and cuddling like she loves...  But my mom holds her as much as she can!  Oh yeah! she also really loves babies even when they tug her ears and tail!

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    I wanted to tell you...since Rainy is so scared of fireworks, on labor day weekend, my dad got her into the car, drove around at 9 pm with the radio and air on, so that she wouldn't hear anything.  How is that for ruling the roost?  They just love her so much.  She goes everywhere with them...and I mean everywhere.  She is their little queen.  :)  Calvin is doing well too!  He's a little bummed because school strted again, and Art can't be home all day with him.    He is good company for me though.  The other day he snuggld on the chair with me and slept for a few hours.  I am about to go and lay down again, so maybe I can convince him to join me.  I fell at the end of June and tore my leg muscle from the bone.  It has been sheer misery, and a lot of pain meds.  Hope all is well with you and the gang!  Tell Wynn we are thinking of him...and Sage, of course!

  • Kelsey Fuhrman

    Cosmo is getting huge!!! just put up some new pictures!! 

  • Lola and Paige

    Last night Lola was having a blast with her bouncy ball.  After awhile we noticed that she had disappeared...  In the middle of watching a show we heard her whimper, it sounded close but we couldn't find her.  I searched a little bit and found her...stuck...under the couch.  So I had to lift up the couch as she wiggled herself out.

    Also... Lola has to go to the vet tomorrow to get spayed...I'm so nervous!!

  • Kristen & Nora

    Thanks Jane! We had a great time. Can't wait to meet up again :)

  • Kristen & Nora

    I know! Thanks for taking the pictures as well :)

  • Shelly Reddinger

    Thank you for the welcome. I have not be able to find the group you mentioned. How would I go about finding it?

  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    It's been a while since I have posted anything...just got out of the hospital...broke my leg pretty good and had to have surgery.  Can't walk for three months yet.  Hope things are going good with you guys!  I hope to have someone take some pictures soon...maybe for the holidays!!  Happy Turkey day guys, gals, and corgis!!!

  • Lola and Paige

    Got our first real snow storm that gave us a foot of snow over the night... Lola LOVED it!!! Lol we spent a half hour playing so she'd poop herself out! Her and I are having a great time together! Thank you!
  • Deb , Gretzky, and Norman

    Hi Jane - It took about a year for Gretzky and Norman to play and romp like I had imagined it in my mind when we brought Norman home.  They always got along well but they didn't "play" until this Summer. It's great to see them running and chewing on each others necks, etc. Gretzky is more perky and loves to play with toys more now.  Norman rocked his agility class this Fall. He is so funny.  I hope v=everything is good in your neck of the woods.

  • Carol Rea

    Hi Jane, long time no talk to! I am feeling old, now that I am the big 60 - YIKES!  Did you see Sonny in his new cart?  He hates, yes hates, it.  I have to put green beans out all over the place and then he will move.  (Of course he will!)  He is so large, that I don't think he will be able to do the "swiffer" thing, he will have to use the cart when we get to that stage, currently he is having difficulty walking, trips up stairs, etc.  Carol ant the boys.

  • Wilson Waddlepants and Joyce

    Hi Jane ! Thank you for the birthday wish !  I'm enjoying my birthday/Christmas present . . . Little Mr. Wilson.  He is such a dear pup.   He has a wonderful temperament and is adapting to our home very nicely.   I'm having a great time looking at your photos.  Take care, Joyce

  • April Andrews

    Thank you. My corgis name is Spinnaker, Spin for short. My husband and I rescued him from our local dog shelter in 2007. Spin will be 9 in 2013. We know he is a Corgi mix, but we dont know what he is mixed with. The Vet thinks he is a Corgi/ Jack Russell.

    He is our pride and joy. Very smart and loving.

  • Bailey B.

    Thank you!  Yep, that's Bear. He was always smiling! ^_^

  • Bailey B.

    No idea! I wish I knew. His corgi half was of a Cardigan, I was told, but I could never figure out what other dog would create that kind of coloring; very dark brown mixed with black and some small bits of white that were more pronounced as he got older.