Started this discussion. Last reply by Becky Glass Aug 21, 2012. 2 Replies 0 Likes
Good Morning, My 6 yr old Corgi Mix whom I adopted 4 wks. ago now has a raw place on her hind leg near her butt. We had her groomed last week and she had right much hair shaved due to matted hair…Continue
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WOW, I don't know what to say. . .I've introduced my cats as kittens so they are used to dogs before they come to this household. I would think after a while, they would just get used to each other. It helps if the cats don't run away. They just lay there and the dogs go over to them and sniff and even lick their faces. . .must be the cat food breath. . .LOL
Hi Becky. You asked what I feed my Pupsters. . .I alternate days with Blue Buffallo kibble (I've tried others, but they really enjoy this brand). In the morning, they have fish with sweet potato and in the evening, they have chicken with brown rice. Then on Saturdays, they have lamb with vegetables canned food in the morning and lately grilled hamburgers with us for dinner. My brother makes each one of them a breadless hamburger with tomatoes and lettuce. I truly believe they think they're getting treats. . . .I just love pampering them--after all they are my fur-kids. . . .LOL
Welcome! Your little girl is very cute! Check out the corgi mix group. There are so many great groups- to find them, hover your mouse over members then the box will drop down and you can click groups. You can browse through them or organize them in different ways. I also check out the groups other people have joined for interesting ones. The best one is awkward little sleepers. You see groups listed on the right of the page, those come up as people post comments on them. If you see an interesting group you can click on the icon to check it out. Have fun, this is a great site.
your welcome:)
How has Samantha been?
Hello and Welcome!!
Welcome Becky and Samantha!
Welcome! Samantha is cute!I am so happy you found each other,she must be blessed to have an owner like you:)