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Jessica's Discussions

Cats with Corgis

Started this discussion. Last reply by Julie Dec 30, 2008. 15 Replies

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Kirby the Fluff

Profile Information

About Me:
I just got my first dog AND first corgi about a month ago. I'm joining so I can learn more about corgis in general and hopefully get some advice and meet some great people.
About My Corgi(s):
Kirby is a 4 month old fluffy corgi. He's full of personality and energy and LOVES to do things he knows he shouldn't be doing :) He is a great puppy and wonderful addition to the family.

Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 11:14am on May 22, 2009, JanRich said…
Super cute pictures! I love the "Humiliation" one.
At 2:00am on March 14, 2009, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Welcome!! Kirby is soooo adorable, love the fluffy puppies!!!! : ) Happy Birthday!!
At 4:21pm on March 13, 2009, Chris said…

Happy Birthday!
At 11:20am on January 4, 2009, Chantel & Princess Bella said…
Hi there! Thanks for the comment & thanks for having a look at my blog! I am obsessed with those colors, and I cannot wait to re-decorate my entire office with those colors :-)
Give that little furball Kirby a hug from me & Bella :-)
At 6:28pm on January 1, 2009, Robin & Gimli said…
That picture of Kirby is priceless. That look like "Not another picture.." lol
I just love Corgi's, this is my first one also. Gimli has the personality of the Gimli off the LOtR movie so that's why I named him that. A small body dog with a big dog
At 1:32am on December 29, 2008, Adam & Brittany said…
Another Kirby! Haha. I love the fluffy coat, very cute. Is your name from the game too or elsewhere?
At 10:54am on December 6, 2008, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
Drop me a message when it's ready so I can take a peek! The Corgi Celebration in October was great, I highly recommend it - maybe we will see you at next year's event??? I did meet Jaime and quite a few other Corgi enthusiasts, and true to Southern style everyone was so friendly and welcoming! As an added bonus the event raised over $6,500 for Corgis & Critters Rescue!
At 11:48am on December 4, 2008, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…
Looking forward to checking out the website when it's done! Can't wait to see more pics...he's absolutely adorable.
At 11:46am on December 4, 2008, Lady Bug (Michelle) said…

Welcome, so glad you could join us!
At 7:12pm on November 26, 2008, Erin-the mom of...1 Corgi's said…
If you haven't already fallen in love with Kirby the Corgi-just wait. They are the BEST dogs around. They really steel your heart

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