King Koby of the Treasure Coast's Blog – February 2009 Archive (6)

first vet visit

Koby is doing good! He is almost 11 weeks and now knows paw, sit, and up! My husband has been working with him. He has such great personality! Today we took him for his third set of shots and he cried!!! I felt so bad! His brother Dyllan went too and he also cried!! Other than that everything went well. They are both healthy and happy! In may or June I believe he will be getting fixed! We are going to have that done with his brother so they can be there together. Korie the shepherd puppy is now… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 28, 2009 at 1:03pm — 1 Comment

Koby doin good

Koby is doing great adjusting to his new life! He hasn't gotten into too much trouble.He actually learned his first trick today! It is SIT! I am sooo happy! Also last tuesday his ears stood up! He is 9 weeks old now. This next saturday him and his brother get to go to the vet! We will have to see how he does! He is still having accidents but he is doing better in that area. I have my dad helping me let him out extra times on days my husband and I both work. He is living the life of… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 21, 2009 at 7:59pm — No Comments

Koby had a fun day

Koby had a great day today playing with a bunch of kids! It was our little niece's birthday! He played in the sand by the river and loved it! Then after that he visited hid brother for a few minutes! He is doing well getting along with the cats and already I can see the true corgi coming through! He craves food! lol

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 15, 2009 at 8:00pm — 6 Comments

nothing much

Day two for Koby has gone great! He had one accident today in the house but other than that he has done excellent at going outside!He played earlier with the neighbors dog and ran with him back and forth along the fence. He keeps eating everything outside so I have to really watch him closely! He ate a dead lizard earlier! My husband bought him a new bed for the crate so he is more comfortable! The cats are still tolerating him ok. Kira got outside this morning! I don't let my cats outside so… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 8, 2009 at 4:43pm — 3 Comments

Koby's Arrival!

Baby Koby came home today! He did really well! We went about 7am and traveled to Lecanto fl to pick up the pups. My parents got Koby's brother Dyllan and we picked them up out of the pen and there other brothers and sisters looked so sad! I felt so bad. We put them in the backseat of the car for the long 3 hour drive! They made it with a couple of potty breaks and a snack. They were so cute sleeping on each other and then giving us tons of kisses! Koby as soon as I picked him up smothered me… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 7, 2009 at 5:51pm — 3 Comments


Hey everyone that is "Sir Riley of Pembroke's" friend this is my new page for Koby the little bugger I am getting this saturday!!! I have been waiting since December when he was born! So please all of you who are my friends come and be my friend again on Koby's page. I didn't want to have him share a page with Riley, I thought Riley deserved his own page! I promise to try to write about picking him up, his first nights, ect. But remeber I have two cats and work full time and am a house wife so… Continue

Added by King Koby of the Treasure Coast on February 4, 2009 at 8:49pm — 4 Comments

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